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CONSTRUCTIVELY DISQUALIFIED: The Exponentially High Cost Of Unpaid Journalism Internships

Updated Mar 22, 2023, 04:07pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

As we close one internship season with another soon to begin, an unvarnished accounting of journalism internships may be helpful to students and parents.

By design, journalism internships can perpetuate structural segregation by income, education, and race. “Unpaid internships, [specifically], are inherently inequitable,” says Catherine Conlan, an editor at Labor World Newspaper. “Industries that use them simply reinforce those inequities, and in an industry [like] media, that will show in the final product.” Throughout her near 30-year career, Conlan has focused on the workplace, workforce, and internships.

First, many journalism internships are only advertised within schools of journalism at tuition-based colleges and universities. This applies an immediate filter that excludes interested and capable individuals whom, whether by choice or necessity, are not enrolled.

Second, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, journalism internships generally required day-to-day presence in newsrooms, on-site in outpriced New York City, DC, or Los Angeles, where the cost of living can make those opportunities unsustainable, especially for students who don’t possess the financial liberties that come with generational wealth.

“Even that—the ability to pass along an inheritance—is tied to intersectional aspects of privilege,” says Kelly Hills, Co-Principal at Rogue Bioethics, “[and this is] the general system of inequity that creates greater benefit in a capitalist society for some – often based on race, class, gender, ability, and generational wealth.”

These conditions brazenly dismiss full spectrum representation. Those from depressed economic backgrounds – typically black and brown – should have equal access to these opportunities.

“Fundamentally, unpaid internships are a justice and equity issue,” says Hills, advising “If we truly want the benefits of diversity in all aspects of life, we have to make sure our policies not only allow for, but encourage, diversity. Unpaid internships are one of the major ways we do the exact opposite.”

Organizational diversity takes its direction from organizational policy.

Narratively co-founder and editorial director Brendan Spiegel agrees. “There's an important conversation going on in journalism circles about how unpaid internships contribute to the very real lack of diversity in media, particularly at organizations that see internships as an opportunity for free labor.”

Looking at the numbers, we have to question the value proposition of unpaid internships. A 2019 Student Survey Report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers shows students who held paid internships received nearly 50 percent more job offers than students with an unpaid internship or no internship at all; and paid interns expected to make $10,000 more than students with unpaid internships or no internship at all.

Even when paid and unpaid interns had near the same GPAs, “unpaid interns appear to barely outcompete students who skip internships altogether,” according to The Atlantic.

“[College] students are paying thousands of dollars to work for free.” Carlos Mark Vera, Co-Founder of Pay Our Interns (WBUR)

Students who accept these roles may find themselves reinforcing this extraction economy, and increasing their debt at the same time, making for a double-negative impact on unpaid student interns, and perhaps their families too.

In spite of this, Narratively, the NYC-based “production company, creative agency and storyteller” regularly calls for unpaid interns.

With more than 3,000 contributors, the enterprise commands the attention of nearly 98K readers across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Through Narratively Studios, its TV/film division, stories have been optioned by major Hollywood studios, and projects have been sold to Warner Bros., Amazon Studios, CBS, and others, according to its website.

The primary goal of the internship program, says Spiegel, is “to provide experience for student journalists.” Working closely with the editorial team, interns learn “any and all aspects of our editorial process, ranging from reviewing submissions to fact-checking stories, and crafting social media messages.” Interns also ideate story ideas with help from the staff, and if published, the company pays for those stories like any other. Importantly, Spiegel says Narratively works with its interns “so that they can receive credit for their internships.”

Whether or not an internship is paid, students and parents are wise to contact academic advisors directly, and seek a guarantee about applicability of credit prior to committing to an internship arrangement.

“Diversity isn’t a ‘nice to have’, it’s a business imperative and necessary for the media to participate properly in democracy.” Olivia Crellin, Founder of PressPad (ForbesLife)

Spiegel acknowledges “Many students, particularly many students of color, may not be able to afford to take on an unpaid internship.” Narratively, “a small, independent organization” he calls it, is set to launch a paid editorial fellowship for black journalists. This reader-funded initiative “will be an opportunity for one [black] student per semester to get the same kind of editorial experience interns get, but we'll be able to pay them,” he says, calling the effort one small step towards a larger goal.

A quick search through recent calls for journalism internships shows The Tampa Bay Times pays its interns $500 per week; The Baltimore Sun, $575 per week, plus a $1,000 housing stipend; and The Wall Street Journal’s internship program based in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Washington, DC pays $900 per week.

Karen Peterson is co-director of the intern program at The Tampa Bay Times, where paid internships have been offered for at least the past four decades. “Not only do we believe this is the right thing to do for the industry,” she says, “but the Tampa Bay Times has a strong track record of hiring interns into full-time jobs.”

Narratively and TBT offer very similar internship experiences on paper, with very different real-life impacts. In the bank account, for example.

There can be multiple types of indebtedness associated with an unpaid internship. For sure, all will experience the first – receiving no cash value in exchange for their labor; but a subset will also take on personal loans, borrowing from a bank or from family to support themselves through the duration of that internship.

Hills’ work has examined “what is just and equitable, [particularly] within traditionally unjust and inequitable [spaces], and how we make sure projects are equitable and fair.” As with inheritance, she says “…the ability to get a loan is often tied to privilege; loans aren’t an answer because, again, they aren’t equitable, [and repayment] still contributes to the unequal situation in play.”

Keith Ancker knows this is true. After several years in media, he was laid off. He says he was young and just didn’t have the financial literacy to know better, so he borrowed from family. “The mental health effects of always feeling under the gun, of knowing you’re going to be broke again five minutes after your next check clears, of trying to figure out which bills you can put off another couple [of] weeks so you can pay off the ones you can’t put off, it’s all bad.”

Ancker owns The Soundcasting Network. He’s been in print and media for 21 years now. To anyone considering an unpaid internship, he says “Don't do it. There aren't a lot of places that […] would make the tradeoff between experience and debt worth it,” but compensation aside, he says his unpaid internship was a good experience, “even if I wouldn't do it again in a million years.”

For “rules that determine whether an internship should be paid or not,” Catherine Conlan points to a Department of Labor Internships Fact Sheet. She says there are various exceptions for internships at nonprofits and other types of business entities.

While unpaid journalism internships may be a rite of passage for students of elevated economic class, and coffee table talk of college days among mostly white media folks, the prospect of unpaid labor is generally a non-starter and a constructive disqualifier for just about everyone else.

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