Welcome to GeoNative!

Euskaraz hobeto

Welcome to GeoNative! This is the site of Luistxo Fernandez, a Basque internaut. Me and my family (wife and son) are Basque and live in the Basque Country, a little nation divided between two states: France and Spain.

We live in a beautiful city, Donostia (pop. 200,000). Don't try to find Donostia in the map: Surely it's not there. You will find only the Spanish name of our city (San Sebastián) and not the original Basque. We think that this is a pity. And it's a pity too when we take a map and try to figure out what is the Gaelic name of Edinburgh, or how the Indian majority of Bolivia call their towns and cities.

Minority and native languages are almost never present in the maps. Geography ignores us!

We believe in the diversity of the world's cultures. We believe that minorities, little nations and native cultures are as rich and valuable as the big nations.

There are several ways to preserve this diversity; the treasure of the different human cultures. Two of those ways are:

And that is the purpose of GeoNative: promote respect and increase knowledge.

We focus on just one particular field: placenames, toponomy. We try to put our names and our languages right in the map. It is a modest effort, but for us it has great symbolic value.

GeoNative is maintained by Luistxo Fernandez. We appreciate your comments; write us at geonative@geocities.com.

GeoNative is organised this way:

What's New
The latest changes and additions are summarised here. You can also see how the site has grown.

Table Index

An alphabetic index of all the placename listing we have.


Links to other sites that contain information about little nations, minorities and native cultures. Also links to Basque sites. Each page also has its set of links and e-mail addressed of the people that kindly provided the data.

Looking for Info

We need information about several countries, minorities and native cultures. Please help us expand GeoNative.

Your Comments (Feedback)

Messages people send us. Leave us your opinion; we are eager to know it.

Alphabet Street

Accents, diacritics sign, special characters, transliterations for non-Latin alphabets (with graphic schemes!). We try to do our best in this field and we have created the Alphabet Street section (and the ASR standard for writing characters) with the purpose to represent placenames as correct as possible.


Many pages in GeoNative have maps of the nations or languages included. Maps vary greatly in quality, type and size. The images are not stored locally at GeoNative, but instead in remote URL location. So, it can take long to download some of the maps. Some maps (in the newest updates) will be displayed in a separate window.

Meet Euskal Herria (the Basque Country)

Get to know about our country, language and culture.

GeoNative is a bilingual site (Basque/English). Most pages are bilingual, others have two versions, and some appear in just one language. In the bottom of every page you will find shortcuts to the different parts of GeoNative.

There are no general stats for visitors, apart from some simple counters in some pages. However, we have installed a 'stats' page counting visits to the Main Table Index.

The counter:

Main page

Table index

Looking for info

Links / Loturak

Your comments

Sarrera orrira

Taulen aurkibidea

New! / Zer berri?

Alphabet Street

Bisitarien iritzia

Zure iritziak, zuzenketak, gehikuntzak
Your comments, corrections, additions



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Maintained by
Luistxo Fernandez and hosted by GeoCities
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