Sarpanch shoots woman dead following drunken brawl in Madhya Pradesh's Datia, booked

BHOPAL: A village sarpanch in Madhya Pradesh's Datia shot a woman dead and injured another in a dispute following a drunken brawl on Saturday night, police said.

Ratiram Yadav and Ravindra Yadav got into a heated argument while drinking in Vanvas village. People intervened to pacify the two, but Ravindra decided to inform his brother Arvind Yadav, the village sarpanch.

The brawl turned ugly when Arvind came along with his accomplices.


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They allegedly attacked Ratiram's family in their house. During the altercation, he reportedly fired shots. A bullet hit Ratiram's daughter-in-law, Ahilya, who died on the spot. Another bullet injured Ratiram's niece, Priyanka. Accused then fled.

Police have registered a murder case against 13 people, including Arvind and Ravindra, all believed to be from the same family. A video of the incident has surfaced. Authorities are looking for the absconding suspects.
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