Elephant kills woman; 4th death in 2 months: villagers say build trenches to keep out wild animals

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ERODE: A 45-year-old woman named Sundari lost her life after being attacked by a rogue elephant in the Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve (STR).

The incident occurred on Tuesday evening when Sundari was returning home with her cattle in the Jeerahalli forest area. According to forest officials, the lone elephant charged at her, causing serious injuries.

Despite her critical condition, Sundari managed to raise an alarm, prompting villagers to rush to her aid. The elephant fled into the forest upon hearing the commotion. Sundari was initially taken to Thalavadi Government Hospital but was later referred to Chamrajanagar Government Hospital in Karnataka due to the severity of her injuries. Unfortunately, she succumbed to her wounds at the hospital.


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Thalavadi police have registered a case of death caused by elephant trampling. The villagers expressed their concern, stating that this was the fourth such incident in their area within a span of two months. They urged forest officials to take immediate action by digging trenches around private lands to protect the local population from further wild animal attacks.

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