Two Nepal men arrested for stealing e-bike worth Rs 98,000

PANAJI: Panaji police on Wednesday arrested two Nepal nationals for allegedly stealing an electric scooter worth Rs 98,000.

The police action came after a complaint by a resident of Altinho, Panaji, Damodar Naik, a 50-year-old civil contractor. He said that his electric scooter, parked in an open space in Altinho, was stolen. Panaji police then registered a theft case and began its investigation.

Panaji town police station collected information through technical surveillance and CCTV footage, and traced the identity of the accused.


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"We have arrested Basant Mijar and Bishal Gurung, both 19, natives of Nepal, in connection with the theft case, and recovered the stolen electric scooter," said Panaji PI Vijaykumar Chodankar.

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