Rajasthan: Penalty on college for changing engineering stream of student

The college has also been ordered to pay Rs 10,000 in addition, to the complainant, for legal cost. (Representative image)The college has also been ordered to pay Rs 10,000 in addition, to the complainant, for legal cost. (Representative image)
JAIPUR: The district consumer forum-I has imposed a compensation of Rs 2.5 lakh on Regional College of Polytechnic and others in the matter of changing the branch of students to civil engineering due to lack of seats in mechanical engineering. The college has also been ordered to pay Rs 10,000 in addition, to the complainant, for legal cost.

The petitioner, Vipin Kumara said in September 2011, he had taken admission in the mechanical branch of engineering by depositing Rs 30,000. While studying in the branch, he also gave mid-term examinations. But when he appeared in Rajasthan Board of Technical Education, Jodhpur, his branch was shown civil engineering instead of mechanical. It was alleged in the complaint that his signature had also been forged by changing the admission form.

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