Changing organ allocation policy for kidney transplantation in the United States

World J Transplant. 2015 Jun 24;5(2):38-43. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v5.i2.38.


The new kidney allocation scheme (KAS) in effect since December 4(th) 2014 was designed to overcome the shortcomings of previous system. A key feature of the new KAS is preferential allocation of best quality organs to wait-list candidates with the longest predictive survival in a concept called longevity matching. Highly sensitized recipients would get extra points and enjoy widespread sharing of organs in order to increase accessibility to transplant. Wait-list candidates with blood group B will be offered organs from donors with A2 and A2B blood type in order to shorten their wait-list time. Time on the wait list will start from day of listing or date of initiation of dialysis whichever comes first which should benefit candidates with limited resources who might be late to get on the transplant list. Pay back system has been eliminated in the new KAS. These changes in organ allocation policy may lead to increase in median half-life of the allograft and increase the number of transplants; thus resulting in better utilization of a scarce resource. There could be unintended negative consequences which may become evident over time.

Keywords: Expected post-transplant survival; Highly sensitized; Kidney donor profile index; Longevity matching; New kidney allocation scheme.