4 results for Abdul Gafur.

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Keyword    Abdul Gafur

Open AccessArticle
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Micro-watershed Delineation and Potential Site Selection for Runoff Water Harvesting Using Remote Sensing and GIS in a Hilly Area of Bangladesh
American Journal of Water Resources. 2020, 8(3), 134-144. DOI: 10.12691/ajwr-8-3-4
Pub. Date: July 15, 2020Views: 6677Downloads: 8414
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Open AccessReview Article
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Energy Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in Mozambique: 1975-2016
American Journal of Energy Research. 2018, 6(1), 19-22. DOI: 10.12691/ajer-6-1-3
Pub. Date: July 10, 2018Views: 12536Downloads: 11879
Open AccessArticle
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Productivity and Profitability of Strip Cropping and Shifting Cultivation in Bandarban, Bangladesh
Journal of Applied Agricultural Economics and Policy Analysis. 2021, 4(1), 40-46. DOI: 10.12691/jaaepa-4-1-5
Pub. Date: August 23, 2021Views: 4147Downloads: 4391
Open AccessArticle
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Household Demography and Food Security of Jhum Farmers in Bandarban District, Bangladesh
Journal of Applied Agricultural Economics and Policy Analysis. 2020, 3(1), 8-14. DOI: 10.12691/jaaepa-3-1-2
Pub. Date: September 27, 2020Views: 4554Downloads: 5233
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