24 results for Mohammed Al-Sadawi.

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Open AccessArticle
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Management of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in the COVID-19 Era: The Role of Thrombosis and Anticoagulation Strategy
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020, 8(9), 262-267. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-8-9-2
Pub. Date: May 22, 2020Views: 6808Downloads: 8611
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Open AccessReview Article
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Acute Systolic Heart Failure as the only Risk Factor for Cardioembolic Cerebrovascular Accident in the Setting of Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy and Normal Sinus Rhythm: A Case Report with Literature Review
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020, 8(1), 22-25. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-8-1-6
Pub. Date: November 24, 2019Views: 10253Downloads: 10577
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Open AccessCase Report
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Malignant Course of the Right Coronary Artery Originating from the Left Main Coronary Artery: An Odd Exit
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(12), 311-316. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-12-3
Pub. Date: September 19, 2019Views: 12883Downloads: 13284
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Open AccessArticle
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Wellens’ Syndrome in a HIV-positive Patient: A Case Report
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(11), 297-300. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-11-9
Pub. Date: September 06, 2019Views: 10855Downloads: 12177
Open AccessCase Report
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Congenital Absence of Left Main Coronary Artery with Anomalous Origin of Left Anterior Descending and Left Circumflex Arteries Presenting with Acute Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(10), 264-266. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-10-10
Pub. Date: August 12, 2019Views: 10217Downloads: 10670
Open AccessCase Report
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Aorta-Right Atrial Tunnel Causing Heart Failure in a Young Female
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(11), 267-270. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-11-1
Pub. Date: August 12, 2019Views: 13141Downloads: 13639
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Open AccessCase Report
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Rare Case of Bilateral Cerebellar Hemorrhage in a Male Boxer
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(10), 236-239. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-10-4
Pub. Date: July 31, 2019Views: 9500Downloads: 10315
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Open AccessCase Report
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Bladder Distension: An Overlooked Cause Vagal-induced Hypotension during Coronary Angiography
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(8), 180-183. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-8-8
Pub. Date: July 14, 2019Views: 11728Downloads: 10797
Open AccessCase Report
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Ventricular Tachycardia Ablation Complicated with Ventricular Rupture
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(8), 176-179. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-8-7
Pub. Date: July 11, 2019Views: 8349Downloads: 8612
Open AccessCase Report
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Right Ventricular Infarction Associated with Pulmonary Embolism
American Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2019, 7(7), 151-157. DOI: 10.12691/ajmcr-7-7-9
Pub. Date: July 05, 2019Views: 15507Downloads: 16157
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