So you're looking for ARTSEDGE...

Well good news. It�s been a long time in the making, so we�re thrilled to announce that we�ve moved our collection of media-rich arts learning resources to a new, mobile-optimized platform. In other words, Digital Learning has a new home as part of Kennedy Center Education.

We�re doing the painstaking work of strategically updating our resources to align with today�s classrooms, technologies, and learning standards�to make them visually engaging, easy to use and relevant for educators�and of course, adding NEW resources to our collections.

Looking for one of our interactives? Use these direct links:

Though ARTSEDGE as a destination has been around since 1996, fully integrating with Kennedy Center Education now allows us to leverage even more resources for you and your students. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask via [email protected].

The Kennedy Center Digital Learning Team

Take me to the new Digital Learning home!