Meetings of Cabinet members of Commissioner Helena Dalli with organisations and self-employed individuals

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Name Date Standort Entity/ies met Subject(s)
Joseph Vella
Lesia Radelicki
11/09/2024 Brussels European Women's Lobby (EWL)
Meeting to discuss women's rights and gender equality.
David Kerr
02/07/2024 Mexico city Instituto de Estudios del Proceso Penal Acusatorio, A.C. (INEPPA)
Meeting to discuss Gender equality
David Kerr
02/07/2024 Mexico city Consorcio para el Diálogo Parlamentario y la Equidad Oaxaca A.C. (Consorcio Oaxaca)
Meeting to discuss Gender Equality
David Kerr
02/07/2024 Mexico city Instituto Mexicano de a derechos Humanos y Democracia AC (IMDHD)
Meeting to discuss Gender Equality
Annelisa Cotone
26/06/2024 Thessaloniki, Greece Greek Association of Women Entrepreneurs (SEGE)
Discussion on Gender Equality.
Lesia Radelicki
26/06/2024 Brussels Règles Élémentaires (RÉ)
Fight against period poverty in the E.U
Silvan Agius
24/06/2024 Berlaymont Oracle (ORCL)
Mr. Silvan Agius is meeting with Oracle to discuss EU’s strategies and objectives on Diversity and Inclusion. They would be interested to exchange views on the European Commission’s priorities on diversity, equity, and inclusion during the mandate.
Annelisa Cotone
Meeting to discuss discriminations faced by Patients with Obesity, the Sigma and the possible solutions.
Annelisa Cotone
19/06/2024 Brussels Inclusion Europe aisbl. (Inclusion Europe)
Meeting to discuss report on Rights of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe.
Nora Bednarski
Joseph Vella
12/06/2024 New-York - EU Delegation Neurodiversity in Business (NIB)
Meeting to discuss neurodiversity. The main objective of the meeting is to explain the work "Neurodiversity in Business" is doing.
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