Administrative Hearing and Medical Interpreter Listing

The list of interpreters includes persons that have passed the Administrative Hearing and Medical interpreter examination that is mandated by Government Code Section 11435-11435.65. Certified interpreters are issued a certification badge that is required for verification. The certification badge resembles California identification and driver’s license, and contains a current picture of the interpreter as well as a certification number that is assigned by the State of California. When contracting for an assignment, ask the interpreter for their certification badge. You will be able to verify their certification by conducting a search by their name below.

Administrative Hearing Interpreters are qualified to serve as Medical Examination Interpreters.

Interpreters certified by the Judicial Council ("Court" interpreters) are deemed qualified to interpret at hearings and examinations. Those listed here have indicated an interest in being considered for these assignments.

A certified interpreter is responsible for carrying and displaying his/her interpreter badge at all proceedings. Sharing a certified interpreter badge with a non-certified interpreter for the purpose of securing an interpreter assignment is grounds for review of certified interpreter certification.

Please remember that if you contract with a non-certified interpreter or provisionally certify an interpreter for an assignment, you will not be able to verify the interpreter’s skill level and may jeopardize the quality of your administrative hearing or medical proceeding.

Please conduct a search for an Administrative Hearing or Medical Interpreter by selecting one of the options:

Search for interpreters by last name or first name. To search for an interpreter by their first name and/or last name type in their first/last name in the respective boxes. To search for language, certification, county or city please use the drop down boxes.