NIGMS Predoctoral Training at the Interface of the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences Moves to Standard Receipt Dates

Notice Number: NOT-GM-08-135

Key Dates
Release Date: September 25, 2008

Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) (


The purpose of this Notice is to inform applicants that after September 25, 2008 applications for the institutional training grant program “Predoctoral Training at the Interface of the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences (T32)” ( will use the omnibus NIH FOA (PA-08-226) for Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Training Grants (T32):  The three standard receipt dates for NIH T32 institutional training grant applications will be used (see Note that NIGMS funds predoctoral T32 institutional training grants once a year on July 1.  Therefore, predoctoral training grant applicants are strongly advised not to wait until the September receipt date to submit applications for grants to be funded the following July 1, since most of the NIGMS research training budget will be committed by the time applications for this receipt date are reviewed.

Applicants should consult the NIGMS Training and Career Development website for the most current policies and application instructions (see:


Scientific or programmatic questions regarding the program should be directed to:

Dr. Alison Cole
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Building 45, 2AS.49K
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Phone: 301-594-3827
Email: [email protected]

Grants management questions should be directed to:

Lisa Moeller
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Building 45, Room 2AN.50C
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Phone: 301-594-3914
Email: [email protected]

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