Notice to Clarify Eligibility Requirements of Institutions, Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs), and Research Project Leaders in PAR-19-313 "Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 (P20 Clinical Trial Optional)"

Notice Number: NOT-GM-20-004

Key Dates
Release Date: November 06, 2019

Related Announcements

Issued by
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)


The purpose of this Notice is to clarify the eligibility of institutions, Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs), and Research Project Leaders in PAR-19- 313 "Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) Phase 1 (P20 Clinical Trial Optional)". The following related sections of the FOA are revised accordingly:

Part 2. Section I. Funding Opportunity Description

Program Description and Requirements

Research Projects:

Current Language:

Research Project Leaders must hold a tenure-track faculty appointment (or equivalent at research institutes) at the time the application is submitted. A majority of the Research Project Leaders must hold such appointments at the institution submitting the application. Investigators holding tenure-track faculty appointments (or equivalent at research institutes) at other institutions in IDeA-eligible states may lead less than half of the total number of Research Projects. A majority of the Research Project Leaders must be junior investigators. Established investigators of any faculty rank who are making significant changes to their career goals by initiating new lines of research that are significantly different from their current investigative program may also serve as Research Project Leaders. However, they cannot make up the majority of the Research Project Leaders. Individuals holding appointments that lack independent faculty status are not eligible to lead COBRE Research Projects.

Revised Language:

A Research Project Leader must be a faculty investigator the applicant institution(s) is committed to invest in and develop in the thematic area of the proposed COBRE and must hold a faculty appointment (or equivalent at a research institution) at the time the application is submitted. The Research Project Leader’s home institution must demonstrate, in a letter(s) from the Dean, the Provost, or equivalent senior institutional official(s), a clear commitment to support a multi-year faculty appointment for the proposed Research Project Leader independent of the outcome of the COBRE grant application. Examples of strong institutional commitment include a start-up package provided by the institution and/or independent research space within the institution. This letter(s) is required for Research Project Leaders proposed in the COBRE application as well as for subsequent replacement Research Project Leaders. A majority of the Research Project Leaders must be junior investigators. Established investigators of any faculty rank who are making significant changes to their career goals by initiating new lines of research that are significantly different from their current investigative program may also serve as Research Project Leaders. However, they cannot make up the majority of the Research Project Leaders.

Part 2. Section III. Eligibility Information

1. Eligible Applicants

Eligible Institutions

Current Language:

Applications will be accepted from eligible institutions that hold two or fewer active COBRE Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 awards at the time of submission. Please note that applications will NOT be accepted from institutions that hold three active Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 COBRE awards. The COBRE Phase 3-Transition Centers award does not count into the total number of COBRE awards.

Revised Language:

Applications will be accepted from eligible institutions that hold two or fewer active COBRE Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 awards at the time of submission. Please note that applications will NOT be accepted from institutions that hold three active Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 COBRE awards. The COBRE Phase 3-Transition Center award does not count towards the total number of COBRE awards. Through receiving subcontracts, an institution may also lead up to 5 COBRE research projects and/or cores from Phase 1 and Phase 2 COBREs awarded to other institutions. A signed letter from the Vice President for Research or similar official with institution-wide responsibility is required to verify the number of active COBRE Phase 1 and/or Phase 2 awards at the applicant institution and the number of COBRE research projects and/or cores from Phase 1 and Phase 2 COBREs awarded to other institutions that the applicant institution is currently leading. Applications that do not include this institutional letter will be withdrawn.

Eligible Individuals (Program Director/Principal Investigator)

Current Language:

The PD(s)/PI(s) must be an established biomedical or behavioral research scientist, who leads, as the principal investigator, at least one peer-reviewed research grant from NIH, NSF or other Federal or non-Federal sources that is closely related to the scientific theme of the proposed Center and has mentoring and administrative experience to lead the COBRE program to meet its goals. The PD/PI must be a full-time faculty member at the applicant institution at the time of application.

Revised Language:

The PD(s)/PI(s) must be an established biomedical or behavioral research scientist, who leads, as the principal investigator, at least one active peer-reviewed research grant awarded to the applicant institution, from NIH, NSF or other Federal or non-Federal sources that is closely related to the scientific theme of the proposed Center. The PD(s)/PI(s) must have mentoring and administrative experience to lead the COBRE program and must be a faculty member at the applicant institution at the time of application.

Part 2. Section IV. 2. Content and Form of Application Submission

Research Project

Research & Related Senior/Key Person Profile (Research Project)

Current Language:

Research Project Leaders must hold a tenure-track faculty appointment (or equivalent at research institutes) at the time the application is submitted. A majority of the Research Project Leaders must be junior investigators. A junior investigator is an individual who does not have and has not previously had an external, peer-reviewed RPG, or Program Project Grant (PPG), or PPG subproject, or equivalent awards from either a Federal or non-Federal source that names that investigator as the PD/PI. Grants that name an individual as a co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, or to a position other than PD/PI or PD/PI on research grants that allow multiple PD(s)/PIs, do not disqualify that investigator from junior status. Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants, exploratory/pilot project grants (such as NIH R03 and R21 awards), mentored career development awards (such as NIH K01 and K08 awards), or other Federal or non-Federal not characterized as research grants also do not disqualify the investigator. Since NIH K awards typically require nine person-month commitments, however, junior investigators that are also K awardees can serve as COBRE Research Project Leaders only during the last two years of the K awardswhen the commitments are allowed to be reduced to six person-months per NIH policy. Investigators who have obtained significant support in the form of an RPG or PPG (e.g., NIH R01, K99/R00, or P01, NSF, or other Federal or non-Federal agency awards) would not be considered junior investigators. Individuals holding positions that lack independent faculty status are not eligible to lead COBRE Research Projects.

Revised Language:

Research Project Leaders must hold a faculty appointment (or equivalent at research institutes) at the time the application is submitted. A majority of the Research Project Leaders must be junior investigators. A junior investigator is an individual who does not have and has not previously had an external, peer-reviewed Research Grant, or Program Project Grant (PPG), or PPG subproject, or equivalent awards from either a Federal or non-Federal source that names that investigator as the PD/PI. Grants that name an individual as a co-investigator, collaborator, consultant, or to a position other than PD/PI or PD/PI on research grants that allow multiple PD(s)/PIs, do not disqualify that investigator from junior status. Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA) grants, exploratory/pilot project grants (such as NIH R03 and R21 awards), mentored career development awards (such as NIH K01 and K08 awards), or other Federal or non-Federal not characterized as research grants also do not disqualify the investigator. Since NIH K awards typically require nine person-month commitments, however, junior investigators who are also K awardees can serve as COBRE Research Project Leaders only during the last two years of the K awardswhen the commitments are allowed to be reduced to six person-months per NIH policy. Investigators who have obtained significant support in the form of a Research Grant or PPG (e.g., NIH R01, K99/R00, or P01, NSF, or other Federal or non-Federal agency awards) would not be considered junior investigators.

PHS 398 Research Plan (Research Project)

Letters of Support:

Current Language:

The applicant institution must demonstrate, in a letter(s) from the appropriate senior institutional official(s), a clear commitment to support the faculty appointment independent of the outcome of the COBRE grant application.

Revised Language:

The Research Project leader's home institution must demonstrate in a letter(s) from the Dean, the Provost, or equivalent senior institutional official(s), a clear commitment to support a multi-year faculty appointment for the proposed Research Project Leader independent of the outcome of the COBRE grant application. Examples of strong institutional commitment include a start-up package provided by the institution and/or independent research space within the institution.

Part 2. Section VI. Award Administration Information

1. Award Notices

Post Award Program Requirements

Prior Approval of Pilot and Replacement Research Projects

Replacement Research Projects

Current Language:

External Advisory Committee approval communication from the EAC chair (at a minimum) indicating that the EAC concurs with supporting the Research or Pilot Project.

Revised Language:

External Advisory Committee approval communication from EAC chair (at a minimum) indicating that the EAC concurs with supporting the Research Project. The Research Project Leader’s home institution must demonstrate in a letter(s) from the Dean, the Provost, or equivalent senior institutional official(s), a clear commitment to support a multi-year faculty appointment for the proposed Research Project Leader independent of the outcome of the COBRE grant application. Examples of strong institutional commitment include a start-up package provided by the institution and/or independent research space within the institution.

All other aspects of this FOA remain the same.


Please direct all inquiries to:

Hongwei Gao
National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)
Email: [email protected]