Lightspeed: Edited by John Joseph Adams

Latest Science Fiction Story

Reconstructing “The Goldenrod Conspiracy,” Edina Room, Saturday 2:30-3:30

Can someone get the doors? Thanks. Please remember we’re on an honor system for chairs—if you’ve eaten today, please leave them for someone who hasn’t. We don’t need another fainting incident. First of all, if you’re looking for a technical look at restoring and reconstructing lost Backwards Man episodes, that’s Greg Bakun’s panel tomorrow morning at 9:30, which I really recommend checking out if you’re not too hungover. This panel is about the recent recovery of clips of “The Goldenrod Conspiracy,” the changes to the story that arise from them, and what it means that every single surviving frame of “The Goldenrod Conspiracy” comes from censorship board clips.

Latest Fantasy Story

The Terrible Secret of the Immortal Bards

The great writer had lived well past his appointed lifespan, not by years but decades, and now existed less as an ongoing contributor to the literate zeitgeist but as an icon of a past age. He was a super-centenarian, just topping an unbelievable 110 and still appearing at literary conferences.



Latest Nonfiction

Editorial: September 2024

Be sure to read the editorial for a rundown of this month’s terrific content.

More Science Fiction Stories


“How long do I have to have my membership with Juno before he proposes?”

“Well, is he subscribed, too?”

“Lifetime with Venus.”


(available on 9/12)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

Two Motes in the Zeugma Dark

Every date followed the same pattern. After the dinner and drinks, and the long moonlit walk along the canal, Jules would casually remark that the hangar was not far from here, and would they like to come see? Once outside the heavy metal door, he would pause with his hand above the security scanner,

(available on 9/19)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

More Fantasy Stories

We the People Excluding I

We were in the mines when the world was falling apart. I remember, the earth was cracking, and the plants were going limp, and the world looked dark blue, less full of life. Everyone tried to group together—Nan, Chim, even old Robert who mostly kept to himself—but it didn’t do much.

(available on 9/9)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

A Superior Knot

Do it. The last words she spoke before we cinched the green ribbon around her neck, a stark line bisecting her head from her body, a scrap we’d buried to gather magic under the mother tree. We tied the final knot. She took up her sword, a girl become death, the edge of her blade fine enough to cleave three dimensions into one.

(available on 9/16)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

The Ex Hex

Talis had a problem. They’d copied the spell incorrectly, in a fury, after seeing photos of their ex with a new date in “their” spot. Adelite was supposed to have experienced a night of terrible dreams leading to a remorseful morning after. Instead, he just hadn’t woken up.

(available on 9/23)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now

The Mote in Bird’s Eye; or, Note Attached to a Frozen Corpse Retrieved from Deep Space

Dear Aunt Harriet, If you’re reading this note it means you survived. That’s wonderful news: I always loved you the most. The notes I sent out with Aunt Anita and the cousins are friendly letters, I promise, us being kin and all, and I surely hope they survive too. But I’m happiest about you.

(available on 9/26)  |  Buy Ebook To Read it Now