german translations, RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)


someone probably noticed this already:

WD:      RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)
section: 2.7 Languages: xml:lang

example 8:

<dc:title>Das Baum</dc:title>
   should be <dc:title>Der Baum</dc:title>

the "buchen" from ""
   Don't know if the path is meant to mean something,
   the german word for "books" would be "b�cher".
   or ,without umlauts, "buecher".

   the translation of the german verb "buchen" is 
   "to book", but "Buchen" is also plural of the
   tree "Buche" => "beech trees".

but the "au�ergew�hnlich" is perfect. :-)

helpful? (otherwise: sorry for nit-picking.)


Benjamin Nowack
Kruppstrasse 82-100
45145 Essen, Germany

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2003 16:25:57 UTC