Wikipedia Report Card: summaries for region America

Language index by language name / language code
Toggle index
Aymara, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Cree, Dutch, English, French, Greenlandic, Guarani, Haitian, Inuktitut, Inupiak, Nahuatl, Navajo, Papiamentu, Pennsylvania German, Portuguese, Quechua, Simple English, Spanish, Sranan

Wikipedia summaries: Top 50 Languages , Africa , Asia , America , Europa , Indien , Oceania , Artificial Languages  
WMF Projects: Wikipedia , Wiktionary , Wikibooks , Wikinews , Wikivoyage ,
                                Wikiquote , Wikisource , Wikiversity , Other projects

See definitions below.


All languages Wikipedia

 All languages Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 11,727,826 +5% +0%

New Articles per Day 1,427 --     --    

Edits per Month 4,993,924 -1% -0%

Active Editors 71,966 +1% +0%

Very Active Editors 10,476 +1% +1%

New Editors 7,422 -10% -10%


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc
View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects

Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


English Wikipedia

 English Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 5,416,003 +5% +0%

New Articles per Day 690 --     --    

Edits per Month 3,459,431 -3% +3%

Active Editors 31,848 +3% -1%

Very Active Editors 3,525 +3% +0%

New Editors 5,624 -9% -9%

Speakers 1,500,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 21 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Spanish Wikipedia

 Spanish Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,337,698 +7% +1%

New Articles per Day 216 --     --    

Edits per Month 622,692 +20% -3%

Active Editors 4,083 +0% +5%

Very Active Editors 556 +3% +6%

New Editors 682 -19% -5%

Speakers 500,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 8 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


French Wikipedia

 French Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,875,187 +7% +0%

New Articles per Day 291 --     --    

Edits per Month 606,571 -0% -12%

Active Editors 4,660 +0% -2%

Very Active Editors 772 -1% +1%

New Editors 661 -11% -13%

Speakers 200,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 23 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Portuguese Wikipedia

 Portuguese Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 969,634 +6% +0%

New Articles per Day 93 --     --    

Edits per Month 166,642 -17% -12%

Active Editors 1,514 +1% -4%

Very Active Editors 206 +6% -6%

New Editors 262 -11% -29%

Speakers 290,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 5 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Dutch Wikipedia

 Dutch Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,902,999 +2% +0%

New Articles per Day 97 --     --    

Edits per Month 121,112 -16% +8%

Active Editors 1,125 -5% +6%

Very Active Editors 196 -8% +8%

New Editors 157 -3% -2%

Speakers 27,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 42 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Simple English Wikipedia

 Simple English Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 125,269 +5% +1%

New Articles per Day 21 --     --    

Edits per Month 14,406 -5% +10%

Active Editors 137 +23% +21%

Very Active Editors 13 -35% -7%

New Editors 32 +23% +19%

Speakers 1,500,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.1 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Quechua Wikipedia

 Quechua Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 20,360 +3% +0%

New Articles per Day 1 --     --    

Edits per Month 413 +147% +20%

Active Editors 2 -33% -60%

Very Active Editors 1 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     -100%

Speakers 10,400,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.2 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Haitian Wikipedia

 Haitian Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 52,599 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 4 --     --    

Edits per Month 1,020 +278% +193%

Active Editors 4 -20% +0%

Very Active Editors 1 --     +0%

New Editors 1 +0% --    

Speakers 12,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.3 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Nahuatl Wikipedia

 Nahuatl Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 7,301 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 368 -39% +11%

Active Editors 1 -50% -50%

Very Active Editors 0 -100% --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 1,500,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.7 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Navajo Wikipedia

 Navajo Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 3,505 +51% +11%

New Articles per Day 11 --     --    

Edits per Month 559 +495% -50%

Active Editors 1 -50% -50%

Very Active Editors 1 --     +0%

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 170,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 6 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Guarani Wikipedia

 Guarani Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 3,193 +2% +1%

New Articles per Day 1 --     --    

Edits per Month 97 +15% +223%

Active Editors 3 +50% +200%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 --     +0%

Speakers 7,000,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.4 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Aymara Wikipedia

 Aymara Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 4,311 +10% +1%

New Articles per Day 2 --     --    

Edits per Month 382 +1315% +65%

Active Editors 5 +400% +67%

Very Active Editors 1 --     +0%

New Editors 1 --     --    

Speakers 2,800,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 2 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Greenlandic Wikipedia

 Greenlandic Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,688 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 15 -73% +15%

Active Editors 0 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 50,000 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Papiamentu Wikipedia

 Papiamentu Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,953 +25% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 49 -63% -11%

Active Editors 2 -33% -50%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 271,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 7 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Pennsylvania German Wikipedia

 Pennsylvania German Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,964 +3% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 98 +7% +172%

Active Editors 1 --     +0%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 1 --     --    

Speakers 250,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 4 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Cherokee Wikipedia

 Cherokee Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 825 +8% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 12 -94% -71%

Active Editors 0 -100% -100%

Very Active Editors 0 -100% --    

New Editors 0 -100% -100%

Speakers 316,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Inuktitut Wikipedia

 Inuktitut Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 506 +9% +1%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 22 -39% +83%

Active Editors 0 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 30,000 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Cheyenne Wikipedia

 Cheyenne Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 766 +2% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 10 -64% +400%

Active Editors 1 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 712 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Inupiak Wikipedia

 Inupiak Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 642 +4% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 2 -94% --    

Active Editors 0 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 2,100 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Sranan Wikipedia

 Sranan Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 1,154 +1% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 22 -31% -72%

Active Editors 1 +0% +0%

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     -100%

Speakers 300,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 3 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


Cree Wikipedia

 Cree Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 269 +12% +0%

New Articles per Day 0 --     --    

Edits per Month 1 --     -50%

Active Editors 0 --     --    

Very Active Editors 0 --     --    

New Editors 0 --     --    

Speakers 120,000 --     --    

Editors per Million Speakers 0.0 --     --    




Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc



Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.


All languages Wikipedia

 All languages Wikipedia at a glance May 2017  
top ⇐ Data Yearly change Monthly change

Page Views per Month 0 -- --

Article Count 11,727,826 +5% +0%

New Articles per Day 1,427 --     --    

Edits per Month 4,993,924 -1% -0%

Active Editors 71,966 +1% +0%

Very Active Editors 10,476 +1% +1%

New Editors 7,422 -10% -10%


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


Page views: 0.00 per month = 0.00 per day = 0.00 per hour
Metrics have been normalized to months of 30 days: Jan*30/31, Feb*30/(28|29), Mar*30/31, etc
View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects


View charts for this metric across all projects

Sources / Wikipedia / Published 19 June 2017
All data and images on this page are in the public domain.



Metrics are about proper articles only (aka 'real' content or namespace 0 pages), not discussion/help/project pages, etc.

Page Views 1
Article Count 1
An article is defined as any 'real' content page which contains at least one link to any other page
New Articles per Day
Edits per Month
Edits per Month
Active Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who made 5 or more edits in a month
Very Active Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who made 100 or more edits in a month
New Editors
Registered (and signed in) users who completed their all time 10th edit in this month
Speakers 1
Includes secondary language speakers. Data are from the English Wikipedia page for each language.
Editors per Million Speakers 1
aka Participation Rate.
1 For language/project comparisons see also Wikipedia sitemap and new WMF Report Card (beta).