About Tribeca Citizen

We moved to Tribeca seeking what we called the holy trinity of real estate: schools, parks and space. We got all three — and a lot more. All of us – me, my husband and our three teenaged kids – have made our best friends here. It’s that kind of place.

I have always been involved in what I call two sides of the same coin: journalism and community activism. They both seek to get to the bottom of things, ask questions, solve problems and keep people in the know. I bought the Tribeca Citizen from its founder because it combines all my interests and skills in one tidy heap.

Right after journalism school, I was a reporter and editor for The Riverdale Press, a Pulitzer Prize-winning community newspaper in the northwest Bronx. When my first child was born, I started teaching at Columbia Journalism School, and that morphed into a real passion and career. Until 2020, I taught at CUNY’s Hunter College, running a class that published newspapers in the South Bronx.

I served on Community Board 4 for 14 years, and was chair in my late 20s, all while I lived in Chelsea. When my husband and I moved here in 2004, I left CB4 but was appointed to the board of directors of the Hudson River Park Trust by the borough president. I am also on the board of Friends of Washington Market Park.

Fill me in

This site has been successful for the past decade because it is more of an exchange of information than a simple provider of information. I seek to make it a collaboration, and in doing that, use the eyes and ears of neighbors whenever I can. Keep your comments and tips coming.

Promote yourself

If you are doing something interesting around here, let me know. If you have a business to promote, advertise! You will love our readers. For more on that topic, go here.

Trust my instincts

Tribeca Citizen is entirely independent. While there is advertising, the site’s editorial integrity will never be compromised. I want this site to be smart, fun, useful, interesting, and above all, trustworthy. If you have questions about this, ask me.

Please comment! But…

• Discriminatory language, personal attacks, promotions and spam will be removed.
• I reserve the right to not publish a comment for any other reason as well.
• Comments can be anonymous, but it’s not required. Hopefully we are among friends.
• Please don’t comment under more than one name and don’t use a fake email or I will likely delete the comment.
• Anyone with a vested interest in the subject must say so. (If you’re touting your company’s products or services, your comment probably won’t be allowed; that’s what advertising is for.)

Keep it local, or not…

We all know the definition of Tribeca as the triangle below Canal (though it’s really a trapezoid). But I will cover anything I care about — figuring my readers also care — even if it means (gasp) going north of Canal. That includes Battery Park City, neighborhoods east of Broadway and the Financial District.

Get in touch

Pam Frederick
[email protected]