Getting excited about technology

Adam Stuhlman [email protected]
Dustin Scott, an engineering and robotics teacher at Walpole High School, said it is important to place more emphasis on the careers in engineering and technology. Wicked Local staff photo/Adam Stuhlman

Dustin Scott, an engineering and technology teacher at Walpole High School, wants to get the word out that there is plenty of opportunities in career fields for both. The challenge for the country has been producing highly educated adults in engineering and technology. It is a challenge the Walpole High School Robotics Team took head on recently.

 The team hosted its second annual “RoboRave Invitational First Tech Challenge” at the school. Teams of middle school and high school students built robots to compete against each other in a small ring where they had to pick up balls and get them out of the way.

It is part of a process designed to get young children and teenagers excited about the potential for success in these fields, said Scott, who took part in First Tech Robotics when he was in high school. He said he loved it. FTR has been going on in Walpole since 2002.

“I see slow but steady progress. The nature of the problem is cultural. Students don’t understand or appreciate the opportunities that are out there,” said Scott. “Many of the science and tech jobs go unfilled and we want to shine a light on these careers to make them more accessible to students.”

He said he wants students to get as excited about these career possibilities as they do about sports.

Winners from the competition move on to the state championship. Several of the top teams from the state round will then have the chance to compete nationally and internationally.

 Scott said FTC paves a way for success in the field with high schools developing a curriculum around the program.

 “First Tech Robotics is a blueprint for our curriculum,” he said. “It helps us develop many courses teaching skills necessary for success in engineering and robotics careers. It helps students get into great engineering schools.”

 Cathy Lipson, marketing coordinator for the event, had a son at the high school who is now studying engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Her son graduated in 2012. She said she has seen a major drive at the school towards hiring employees with a background in these areas.

 “Dustin wanted to integrate engineering in the high school and middle schools,” Lipson said. “All hiring over the past few years has been aligned towards this. Colleges recognize kids in this environment. First Tech Robotics programs encourage students to work together.”

 Thomas Cahill, Andre Chmyrov and Kelsey Jay are all students at the high school. They were all on the winning team. Cahill and Jay are sophomores. Chmyrov, a senior, is planning on studying mechanical engineering, though he is not sure where.

“It is fun to see your creation work,” said Jay. “I really do wish more girls would do this. I’m the only girl on the team.”

Brittany Comfrey, another high school student who played on a different team, said while the challenge was difficult it was well worth it.

“We had to learn different programs which were hard but it pays off because it gives us more knowledge,” she said.

Cahill also said the school’s new courses have given students a gateway to something that could be strong in the future.

“The new robotics classes at the high school have given students more chances to learn more about opportunities in robotics,” he said.

 People interested in learning more about Walpole Robotics can visit