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Alacra Adds Google Powered Vertical Search Engine To Alacra Compliance


New York, Tuesday, October 3, 2006Alacra, Inc., a leading provider of online business information solutions, announced today the deployment of Google Search Appliances as the technology behind the Alacra Compliance Web, a vertical search engine designed to facilitate and accelerate the account vetting process for financial institutions. The Alacra Compliance Web is an integral part of Alacra Compliance, which helps banks and broker/dealers employ a consistent, comprehensive and documented process for Customer Identification Programs (CIP), Know-Your-Customer (KYC) efforts and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) to meet Patriot Act, BSA and FSA regulatory requirements.

The Alacra Compliance Web is a continuously updated index of more than 500 global regulatory websites including stock exchanges, government regulatory agencies and insurance regulators. These sites are typically used by researchers when vetting prospective clients and conducting remediation of existing clients. The use of Google Search Appliances for the Alacra Compliance Web combines the power of Google search technology with Alacra�s domain expertise. Specific features include:

  • Google Quality and Ranking - Find the highest quality and most relevant documents; Google factors in hundreds of variable for each query.
  • A compliance- specific taxonomy, including sites hand-selected and classified by Alacra Content Analysts, to help users quickly identify the most critical information within the results set.
  • Dynamic Page Summaries - Judge the relevance of results more easily with dynamically generated snippets showing your query, in bold text, within the context of the page.
  • Multilingual capabilities, to reflect the diverse needs of our global client base

According to Alacra CEO Steve Goldstein, �Alacra Compliance offers our customers federated searching on best of breed databases. To match the quality level of these databases for the Alacra Compliance Web, the obvious choice was to utilize the Google Search Appliance.�

�Compliance is a certainly a top priority among financial institutions,� said Matthew Glotzbach, head of products for Google Enterprise. �By adding the Google Search Appliance, Alacra is helping make it easier for financial institutions to find compliance related information.�

As part of this launch, Alacra has released a searchable free trial version of the Alacra Compliance Web. To search the Alacra Compliance Web today, visit http://www.alacra.com/compliance-search/ or contact Alacra at 1 (212) 363-9620 for more information.

Typical questions that an Alacra Compliance Web Search might answer:

  • Is Neoware listed on a U.S. stock exchange?
  • Is Segoes Securities allowed to conduct business in the Cayman Islands?
  • Has GLG Partners been the subject of any regulatory disciplinary actions?

Alacra Compliance

A workflow tool that helps banks and broker/dealers meet anti-money laundering regulatory requirements, Alacra Compliance (www.alacra.com/products/compliance.asp) incorporates Alacra�s sophisticated federated search technology which simultaneously searches multiple premium business information databases from renowned publishers like World-Check, Factiva, and LexisNexis, as well as regulatory watch lists and the Alacra Compliance Web.

About Alacra, Inc.

Alacra creates sophisticated online technology and services to help clients find, package and present business information. Financial institutions, professional service firms and other corporations have long used the same content sets to support clients, research deals and investigate market opportunities. The Alacra mission is to package this content and deliver it in a format that best meets each organization's precise needs.

Worldwide, more than 600 investment and commercial banks, management consulting firms, law firms, and other corporations, representing 50,000 end users worldwide, use Alacra to effectively find and deploy business information in their daily workflow. For more information, visit their website at http://www.alacra.com

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For further press information, please contact:

Carol Ann Thomas
Marketing Manager
1 212 806 3841
[email protected]