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Miscellaneous 2017 sondes

Below are listings of transmitted sonde data from reconnaissance aircraft missions into Miscellaneous projects. Also are pages showing the key and examples of the FRD, HSA, AVAPS and TEMPDROP formats.

FRD,CAT formats
HSA format
AVAPS format

June 16, 2017

15:08-17:18 Z Ferry
July 11, 2017
USAF 300 (WXWXA) 16:43-22:04 Z Ferry
USAF 302 (WXWXA) 16:55-22:13 Z Ferry
July 27, 2017
USAF 307 (WXWXA) 15:10-20:00 Z Ferry
USAF 304 (WXWXA) 15:34-20:30 Z Ferry
August 01, 2017
USAF 307 (WXWXA) 14:32-19:30 Z Ferry
September 19, 2017
NOAA 42 (WXWXA) 17:32-01:03 Z Calibration
October 11, 2017
NOAA 42 (WXWXA) 22:02-01:52 Z SFMR test HSA TEMP AVAPS FRD Catalog SkewT

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