Edlio Home

Dedicated to Serving K-12 Educators

  • 19,000+ Schools
    Edlio proudly partners with schools and districts of all sizes nationwide.
  • 20 years
    With two decades serving K-12 communities, Edlio knows what schools need.
  • 1:1 Service
    Each Edlio client has access to an entire team dedicated to their success for the life of their contract.

Do more on one platform!

School & district leaders can manage their mobile app, mass communication, website and online payments - all from one dashboard.

Mobile App

News & alerts, two-way communication, digital hall pass & student ID, and more. Plus, it all translates!

Mass Communication

Instantly share news & alerts via email, voice, text, social media, and mobile app push notifications.

School & District Websites

Our CMS is powerful enough for any school or district, and user-friendly for every educator.


A free school store to sell everything from field trips to spirit wear. Integrates with powerful accounting software to track every dollar.

Easier with Edlio

  • Eric Pustejovsky
    "Take your time, research the products that are out there and find what works. Hopefully everything that works for you will be streamlined on one platform. For us, that’s been Edlio. It’s just really simplified my life in terms of pushing information out to our community and our stakeholders."
  • Dr. Joseph Glavan
    Director of CTE & Business Partnerships
    "The most important thing is, your technology has to work. It’s about the customer service that you’re receiving, and a lot of the success that you’re going to have with those programs is dependent on that. I’ve loved our experience with Edlio. You guys have been fantastic partners."