Volume 13, issue 5


Research articles

Relation of nitrate contamination of groundwater with methaemoglobin level among infants in Gaza

Asthma and other allergic diseases in 13–14-year-old schoolchildren in Urmia: an ISAAC study

Prevalence of smoking among highschool students of Tehran in 2003

Protein–energy malnutrition among preschool children in Oman: results of a national survey

T-lymphocyte subsets and thymic size in malnourished infants in Egypt: a hospital-based study

Health locus of control and depressive symptoms among adolescents in Alexandria, Egypt

High-dose deferoxamine treatment (intravenous) for thalassaemia patients with cardiac complications

Study between axillary and rectal temperature measurements in children

Detection of Helicobacter pylori antigen in stool samples for diagnosis of infection in children

Seroprevalence of toxocariasis in children aged 1–9 years in western Islamic Republic of Iran, 2003

Impact of anti-tuberculosis therapy on plasma zinc status in childhood tuberculosis

Assessment of the implementation of DOTS strategy in two chest facilities in Alexandria, Egypt

Evaluation of serodiagnostic tests for T.b. gambiense human African trypanosomiasis in southern Sudan

Prevalence of hepatitis A IgG in individuals with chronic hepatitis B infection in Babol

Serum levels of astroglial S100- beta and neuron-specific enolase in hepatic encephalopathy patients

Chlamydia trachomatis infection in women attending health centres in Babol: prevalence and risk factors

Risk factors associated with preterm birth in the Gaza Strip: hospitalbased case–control study

Causes of low tetanus toxoid vaccination coverage in pregnant women in Lahore district, Pakistan

La place du frottis cervico-vaginal dans le diagnostic du cancer du col utérin au Maroc, région Fès- Boulemane

Barriers to and factors facilitating breast cancer screening among Iranian women: a qualitative study

Prevalence and patterns of hearing impairment in Egypt: a national household survey

Red cell alloimmunization in sicklecell anaemia patients

Normal serum prostate specific antigen levels in men in Yasuj province, Islamic Republic of Iran

Vancomycin use in a large teaching hospital in Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2003


Improving rational drug use in Africa: the example of Sudan


Epidemic of cutaneous leishmaniasis: 109 cases in a population of 500

Case report

Osler–Weber–Rendu disease: report of 3 cases in a family

Report of two cases of mycetoma in the Islamic Republic of Iran