Force Friday: Brad Meltzer brings Star Wars to baseball

Photo: Wilfredo Lee/AP Photo; Brad Meltzer

Author Brad Meltzer made the most of Force Friday when he had the chance to throw out the first pitch at the Miami Marlins/New York Mets game on Friday night. But the lifelong Star Wars fan may have just outted himself as a Sith lord.

The thriller novelist, History Channel host, and children’s book author threw the ball to mascot Billy the Marlin, then threw down with a lightsaber duel. The attack appears to have been the unprovoked result of Meltzer letting his anger flow through him.

The President’s Shadow novelist was wearing a black t-shirt with the phrase Darth Meltzer on the back, and Billy the Marlin sported the brown robes of a Jedi knight, so it’s apparently part of a feud that goes back a long time ago.

Meltzer also used Force-lightning on his foe — a tell-tale sign of the Dark Side.

In real life, the laser swords were just light-up plastic, but Meltzer says a friend added a few visual effects for the version you see above and doctored the Associated Press photo at the top).

That’s how Force Friday, the day a tidal wave of Star Wars: The Force Awakens merchandise was unleashed on the world, turned into Sith Sunday.

“My older son was terrified I was going to go full costume,” Meltzer tells EW. “Nothing embarrasses like a parent. Instead, I surprised him with this. He was in shock. Later, I asked him what he thought when I was having a lightsaber battle on the mound and he said: ‘That’s my dad…'”

Watch that right hand, kid. You saw what Luke Skywalker’s father did to him.

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