
Affiliate Program

Become a Fandango Affiliate today and make money from every movie ticket and Fandango gift card sale referred from your site or app. Fandango is the #1 online movie ticket seller in the US and the go-to destination for more than 30 million moviegoers. We sell tickets to more than 26,000 screens nationwide.

Why sign up with Fandango? Profit from our strong movie ticket brand. Everyone loves the movies and we’ll provide your audience with engaging and interactive content such as exclusive videos, photo galleries, latest movies news and much more to help make their movie experience exciting and effortless.

Affiliate Program Benefits:

  1. Access to Fandango content including must-see trailers and movie clips, exclusive content, insider news and expert commentary
  2. Exclusive affiliate only promotions
  3. An easy to use creative library, such as banners, movie links movie/theater search widgets, RSS feeds and more
  4. Base commission rate: $0.10 per ticket, $2 per gift card order with performance-based commission increases
  5. An affiliate management team that’s always available to answer your questions and lend a helping hand at [email protected]


Step 1 - Sign Up

Complete our easy affiliate application on Commission Junction.

Step 2 - Advertise

Host any of our content, including banners, text links, RSS feeds, videos and more. Encourage your visitors to click on a Fandango ad creative or link on your site.

Step 3 - Make Money

Get paid every time a movie ticket or Fandango gift card purchase is made via a referral from your site.


Have questions about the sign-up process or need help? Feel free to send us an email.

Want more information? Download an overview: FandangoAffiliateProgram.pdf

Already a Fandango Commission Junction publisher? Access the Affiliate Resource Center.

Interested in hosting movie showtime data and the Fandango API? Learn about Fandango licensing opportunities.