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Should Everyone Go To College?

Updated Sep 13, 2015, 01:29pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

The case for going to college remains strong. On average, it remains a good investment. On the margin there are some who choose not to go who should go. Now, with that basic understanding out of the way, there is a huge amount of overreach going on lately in the "case for college", as you might call it. David Leonhardt in the New York Times provides the latest example in a piece titled "Is College Worth It? Clearly, New Data Say". Now if David had placed his conclusions with the right number of caveats, counter-examples, and suitably limiting adjectives I don't think I'd have much to disagree with. But you can see how far overboard he has gone in his closing paragraph:

 "But there is nothing magical about 13 years of education. As the economy becomes more technologically complex, the amount of education that people need will rise. At some point, 15 years or 17 years of education will make more sense as a universal goal.

That point, in fact, has already arrived."

In other words, he is arguing everyone should go to college. But the evidence simply doesn't support this. Leonhardt points to a study from Heckman and co-authors that shows the returns to marginal students are less than average returns, but still positive in many cases. However, the reason marginal returns are less than average is that they are diminishing. And to arrive at universal attendance you need to get students who are right now nowhere near on the margin between attending and not attending. According to BLS data, around a third of 2013 high school graduates were not enrolled in college. Indeed, as Heckman reports the "magnitude of the heterogeneity in returns on which agents select is substantial: returns can vary from -15.6% (for high Us persons, who would lose from attending college) to 28.8% per year of college (for low Us persons)." Here the notation "Us" measures propensity to attend, so for those who are vey likely to attend, returns can be very high, and for those who are unlikely, returns can be very negative. The closer we get to universal, the more likely negative returns become.

There is another problem with applying estimates of marginal returns to education to a scenario of moving to universal college attendance: it's partial equilibrium, not general equilibrium. This means that it assumes all else equal and unchanging. But if everyone attended college you would have an increase in the labor supply of college graduates and a decrease in the supply of high school graduates, which means the relative wages that determine the returns to a college education would shift. While college jobs and non-college jobs aren't immutable categories and entirely separate labor markets, there are certainly jobs you can do without a college degree, and the wages for these would be driven up if we tried to universalize college education. This would decrease the returns to college.

You can find a bunch of examples of jobs for high school graduates where you might see higher wages in a BLS report titled "High wages after high school - without a bachelor's degree". These include gas plant operators (median annual wage $57,200), real estate brokers ($54,910), boilermakers ($54,640), postal service mail carriers ($53,860), police and sheriff's patrol officers ($53,540), property managers ($51,480), telecommunications line installers and repairers ($50,850), and others.

A recent report from John Schmitt and Heather Boushey titled "Why the Benefits of a College Education May Not Be So Clear, Especially to Men" also has some useful evidence in it. They found that in 2009, nearly 20% of college graduates from age 24-35 earned less than the average male high school graduate.

So what we see is that examples of decent jobs without a college degree exist, and on the other side of the ledger there are also examples of college degrees that really are a huge waste of money. A recent story from Derek Thompson at the Atlantic using data had some telling cases. They found eleven schools where the degrees had a 20 year net return of -$30,000 or worse compared to just graduating high school. Their list of the worst degrees is even more shocking. A humanities and english degree from Florida International University has a 20-year net return of -$192,000. That's a lot of money, and there are students choosing these degrees.

I want to add one more point that I almost let go but can't resist. Leonhardt has this observation in his piece that you've probably seen many times before:

"When experts and journalists spend so much time talking about the limitations of education, they almost certainly are discouraging some teenagers from going to college and some adults from going back to earn degrees. (Those same experts and journalists are sending their own children to college and often obsessing over which one.)"

David is almost always one of the most insightful economics writers out there, but this talking point about whether experts and journalists are sending their children to college is incredibly stupid and really needs to go away and never come back again. First off, a wide variety of cognitive and non-cognitive skills have hereditary components that make it less likely that the child of an expert or pundit who probably graduated from an Ivy League school is going to be a student on the margin of attending college, or one who would not benefit economically from attending.

Second, and most importantly, if you go to a financial advisor you will receive different advice depending on your household income, and this is entirely appropriate. The same is true of college advice. For example, many high-income households could afford to send their children to college purely as a luxury if they want. College is, after all, fun. When your household income is $200,000 then spending the money so your kid can spend a few semesters in college, ultimately not finish, and drop out to do something else is hardly the end of the world. For the rich kids with the low probability of college success, these years sort of floundering around and not seriously looking for a career are also not going to be as big of a deal if you have parents who can support you. For a low-income household and a student without that parental safety net this wasted money can easily be a luxury they can't afford. In addition, the rich kids are also more likely to have social networks full of wealthy and connected people that also serve as a kind of safety net. Overall, it is perfectly responsible for experts and journalists to offer advice that they would not necessarily follow; what would be irresponsible would be to assume if it makes sense for an Ivy League educated New York Times columnist then it must make sense for everyone.

And third, while I don't have children that I can keep out of college to win an argument with David Leonhardt, I do personally know people for whom college would have been a sincere waste of money, and others for whom college was a sincere waste of money. I think writers like Leonhardt think they are cleverly highlighting a bit of class bias with this talking point, but the real class bias they are showing is their own. I'm not trying to pull a Quint from Jaws here and accuse Leonhardt of having city hands that have been counting money all his life, but if he really doesn't know people who wouldn't benefit from college he really should reconsider tossing out zingers about upper class detachment.

Look, I want to emphasize that it really is true that college educated workers have higher wages on average, and I don't want to downplay the fact that on average people gain from going to college. Even many on the margin would benefit from going to college, and increasing college attendance is probably good public policy right now. But decent jobs that don't require college degrees exist, and so do college degrees that are really bad investments. We probably want more kids to go to college, but given the current jobs and colleges out there today, all of them going would almost certainly be a bad deal for many. We need more realism in this debate, and sending everyone to college now is a utopian fantasy that does not represent a true path to a better life for many. Pretending otherwise means understating the necessity of figuring out ways to help those for whom college is not the best choice.