Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme


  • Type Direct (Regional)
  • Date of accreditation 25 Mar 2015

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) is a regional entity based in Samoa focused on climate change and environmental issues affecting SIDS in the Pacific. SPREP supports action on climate change in the key areas of adaptation, mitigation, policy and science. Key activities include: assisting SIDS to integrate climate change considerations into national planning and development processes; supporting and building capacity at the national and subnational levels through technical training on meteorological services, cost benefit analyses, vulnerability assessments and monitoring and evaluation; providing support to coordinate integrated adaptation measures; and implementing mitigation activities such as renewable energy projects (solar and biomass). SPREP intends to build upon its current experience and to focus on integrated approaches to addressing climate change, disaster risks as well as ecosystem based adaptation projects and programmes in SIDS. By being accredited to the GCF, SPREP intends to apply GCF resources towards SIDS-focused adaptation and mitigation projects and programmes, as well as building national capacity in order to address climate change.

Accreditation timeline

Accreditation term 1

15 Jul 2016 - 14 Jul 2021

Accreditation date

25 Mar 2015

AMA execution date

23 Jun 2016

AMA effectiveness

15 Jul 2016

Term end date

14 Jul 2021

Accreditation term 2

03 Apr 2023 - 02 Apr 2028

Re-accreditation date

01 Jul 2021

AMA execution date

28 Feb 2023

AMA effectiveness

03 Apr 2023

Term end date

02 Apr 2028

Entity details

  • Size
    • Micro
    • Klein
    • Medium
    • Large
  • Environmental and social risk category
    • Category C
    • Category B
    • Category A
    • Intermediation 3
    • Intermediation 2
    • Intermediation 1
  • Fiduciary standards
    • Basic
    • Project management
    • Grant award
    • On-lending/blending:
    • Loan
    • Equity
    • Guarantee
    • Blending




Climate Information Services for Resilient Development Planning in Vanuatu (Van-CIS-RDP)

News + Stories

The positives of preparing for disaster

11 Jun 2018 / A guide to GCF’s support for climate change early warning systems

Funds flow in GCF’s first direct access project with Pacific Islands

23 Oct 2017 / GCF has signed a funding agreement with SPREP improving Pacific islands’ ability to deal with climate-induced disasters.

GCF Readiness Results - Vanuatu

01 May 2017 / In December 2016, Vanuatu was awarded a grant for a Climate Information Services for Resilient Development project.

Workshop: GCF supporting direct access entities

03 Sep 2015 / The Green Climate Fund is convening its national and regional accredited entities for four days of training on the Fund’s environmental and social safeguards (ESS) and gender policy at GCF headquarters in Songdo.


Mr. Rupeni Mario

Project Development and Implementation Specialist
Telefon (685) 21929
Ms. Salome Tukuafu

Project Development and Implementation Officer
Telefon (685) 21929
Ms. Vitolina Samu

Project Implementation Officer
Telefon (685) 2192