International Housing Association

For over 35 years, the International Housing Association (IHA) has provided a unique housing policy and solutions forum, bringing together leaders of the housing sector from countries around the world. The IHA’s growing membership spans nations from six continents, including both developed and developing countries.

The IHA allows the world’s housing industry leaders to explore and address common issues related to housing and home building and reflects globally significant priority areas identified by member countries. The IHA often publishes Statements of Intent on these priorities, and shares information and solutions related to them through its working groups.

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Featured Member – Tsutomu (Tom) Ito

Japan International Association for the Industry of Building and Housing (JIBH)

Tom Ito

I am Tom Ito, Secretary of International Affairs of the Japan International Association for the Industry of Building and Housing (JIBH). I am honored to serve as the first International Housing Association (IHA) Chair from the Asia market.

My organization, JIBH, was formed in 2018. Our mission is to foster healthy relationships in the building and housing industry globally, and to promote friendship and goodwill between other countries and Japan. We do this by promoting professional exchanges of information and sharing best practices. In my experience, the IHA mirrors these same priorities.

I joined IHA in 2018. I have had the opportunity to participate in a number of meetings, sharing Japan’s industry successes as well as exploring alternative techniques which may be of value to the Japanese residential construction industry. I have also had the opportunity to contribute to IHA Working Groups, including the Skilled Trades Working Group and our newest Working Group addressing Industry 4.0. I have reported on Japan’s efforts to engage women in the building trades and how Japan has implemented technologies designed to further the industry through technology.

Throughout my term, I hope to actively focus on IHA’s mission of advancing Housing Affordability while effectively addressing the major environmental issues facing the world. I look forward to sharing the progress Japan is making by utilizing housing technologies. Additionally, I will work to leverage the resources available to and from all IHA members, inclusive of the National Association of Home Builders.

Hear from other featured members.

Connect with IHA

IHA Housing Continuum

The International Housing Association (IHA) has officially released the IHA Housing Continuum, an important tool to support dialogue between countries around the world to collaborate to improve housing for all.

IHA Housing Forms and Tenure Glossary

The IHA Housing Forms and Tenure Glossary provides common terminology and graphics for international dialogue as the IHA collaborates to improve housing systems overall.

Eye on Housing

Learn more as NAHB discusses the latest in economics and housing policy in the Eye on Housing blog.