We've made it easy to recycle your electronics.

Hemos hecho que sea fácil reciclar sus equipos electrónicos.

Consumers can use the LG recycling program for all LG branded products, including LG, Zenith, and Goldstar.

Electronics Recycling Drop-off Sites

If you want to recycle your Consumer Electronic Products, the process is simple. Just enter your city, state or zip code below and we’ll show you a drop-off site for your Consumer Electronic Products.

Si desea reciclar sus productos electrónicos de consumo, el proceso es simple. Simplemente ingrese su ciudad, estado o código postal a continuación y le mostraremos un sitio de entrega de sus productos electrónicos de consumo.

    Drop off sites can be changed without notice. For more information, please call us at 1-866-372-2928 or email at [email protected].

    You can find additional drop off sites at greener gadgets.

    Los sitios de entrega pueden cambiar sin previo aviso. Para obtener más información, llámenos al 1-866-372-2928 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].

    Usted puede encontrar más sitios de recoleccion en greener gadgets.

    Electronics Recycling Mail-back Program

    Recycle your electronic equipment through our mail-back program throughout the United States at no cost.
    LG wants to make recycling a simple and easy process at no cost for general consumers, so we have partnered with Electronic Recyclers International to bring you our Mail-back Recycling Program. Through this program, you can responsibly recycle your unwanted electronic equipment. Please visit their website at http://eridirect.com/mailback/lg to print a mail-back label.

    Cell Phone Recycling

    Are cell phones and other handheld devices included in the LG's recycling program?
    You can recycle any LG - branded cell phones and small cell phone accessories at no cost.
    Please visit http://eridirect.com/mailback/lg to print a mail-back label

    Packaging Recycling

    You can also recycle the boxes or packaging of your LG Electronics products.
    LG wants to make packaging recycling a simple and easy process for general and business consumers. Consumers who request packaging recycling services should contact [email protected] to set up service. General consumers are responsible for shipping costs and will be billed by our recycler if any non-packaging material is shipped to their recycling facility. Please confirm that your material is in scope for this program when arranging service with [email protected].

    B2B Customers need to pay for packaging recycling cost (including material recycling process fee, labor and transportation fee). Please contact [email protected] for the detailed information regarding recycling cost.

    Your State

    ** Notice ** New York Consumers:

    For New York State consumers only, LG will accept all LG branded covered electronic equipment* and, with any purchase of an LG branded covered electronic equipment, LG will recycle your old brand of the same type of covered electronic equipment at no cost. LG will also provide the recycling program for all branded covered electronic equipment where there is no physical collection site in county and municipality with 10,000 or more people at no cost. Click here for the detailed information. In addition, LG provides pick up service for New York Consumers. Please call at 1-866-372-2928 or email at [email protected]

    LG encourages consumers to take additional steps to destroy all personal and confidential data contained on computers, data storage devices, and hard drives. While LG’s partner in NY, Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., provides data destruction on all products received, it is always a good idea for consumers to consider removing or wiping their data prior to return. The following are some options for destroying data on your device:

    • Consult your product’s user manual or manufacturer’s website for information on factory reset buttons or reconfiguration menus.
    • Utilize software programs for data erasure. Examples include, but are not limited to DBAN or Eraser.

    ** Notice ** New Jersey Consumers:

    For New Jersey Consumers who are not physically able to travel to a collection site without assistance and/or not physically able to lift and move heavy (50 pounds in weight or heavier) or unwieldy covered electronic devices, LG provides pick up service at no cost. Please call us at 1-866-372-2928 or email at [email protected]. Please note in certain instances our recycling locations may not able to accept materials from all Covered Entities (such as school districts, State entities, or local government units). In that case, please call us at 1-866-372-2928 or email at [email protected] to arrange direct service.

    ** Notice ** Maryland Consumers:

    In 2024, LG has partnered with MRM to provide take-back service for Maryland consumers. Please visit their website http://www.mrmrecycling.com/recycle-now.php and insert your city and state or zip code to find collection site locations in your area. If you scroll down past the map, you can also get more information regarding the recycling program services in your state. Consumers can also find collection site locations by typing in your city and state or zip code on this website under "Electronics Recycling Drop-off Sites".
    For consumers who want to recycle their covered electronic devices through the LG mail-back program, please visit http://eridirect.com/mailback/lg to get your pre-paid shipping label. Please additionally contact [email protected] to request a free shipping box.

    LG encourages consumers to take additional steps to destroy all personal and confidential data contained on computers, data storage devices, and hard drives. The following are some options for destroying data on your device:

    • Consult your product’s user manual or manufacturer’s website for information on factory reset buttons or reconfiguration menus.
    • Utilize software programs for data erasure. Examples include, but are not limited to DBAN or Eraser.

    ** Notice ** Wisconsin Consumers:

    LG encourages consumers to take additional steps to destroy all personal and confidential data contained on computers, data storage devices, and hard drives. While LG’s partner in WI, Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., provides data destruction on all products received, it is always a good idea for consumers to consider removing or wiping their data prior to return. The following are some options for destroying data on your device:

    • Consult your product’s user manual or manufacturer’s website for information on factory reset buttons or reconfiguration menus.
    • Utilize software programs for data erasure. Examples include, but are not limited to DBAN or Eraser.

    ** Notice ** Washington, D.C. Consumers:

    LG provides mail-back service for LG-branded covered electronic equipment and, with any purchase of a LG branded covered electronic equipment, LG will also accept any other brand of covered electronic equipment on a one-to-one basis for recycling. Please visit https://mailback.eridirect.com/lg to get your pre-paid shipping label.

    Solar Panel Recycling

    You can recycle LG-branded solar panels installed in Niagara County, New York.

    If you have a LG-branded solar panel in Niagara County that needs to be recycled, please contact us at [email protected] to set up recycling service.

    Our Partners in 2024

    Low Carbon Green Management

    Climate change has emerged as one of the most important environmental issues for consumers worldwide. Formulating an effective response to climate change is therefore an essential part of any corporate growth strategy. As a global leader in its field, LG Electronics is working to continue enriching people’s lives through low carbon green management.

    Green Strategy

    LG Electronics considers the environmental impact on the earth and its people when planning product and designs. LG Electronics aims to develop products with greener features by considering their environmental impact throughout the product life cycle.

    Visit our website to see our latest products

    LG Recycling Policy

    LG Electronics offers a customized e-waste take-back & recycling service that meets local needs and requirements in the countries where e-waste regulations are in place, and also provides product and packaging take-back & recycling service voluntarily in some countries. LG Electronics evaluates products' recyclability at the design step using LG's recyclability evaluation tool, with the goal of improving recyclability where practicable. Through these activities, LG seeks to contribute to conserving natural resources and protecting the environment.

    For more information about the LG Recycling Policy, please visit our global site at www.lg.com/global/take-back-recycling-policy.

    Progress towards a Sustainable Future

    Across the United States, LG is making great progress in recycling electronics equipment. Wherever a state has published its recycling targets, we are striving to meet them. We believe that a sustainable future lies in the individual efforts of each person and each company, like ours. By having facilities all across the U.S., we're making it easier than ever to live green.

    Find a recycling drop-off site near you. You can make a difference by recycling your used electronics today.


    Our Mission Is A Sustainable Future.

    Explore our map to view each state's regulations.


    Data has been collected based on the U.S. standard(lbs) from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.


    Yearly Recycling Amounts

    Every year, we collect and recycle tons of CED (Covered Electronic Devices) including Desktops, Laptops, Notebooks, Monitors, Televisions, Printers, DVD/VCRs, Tablets, mobiles, and other electronic equipment and peripherals. Roll over any of the colored bars in the chart to see how much we've recycled.

    * As of December 31, 2023 (unit: lbs)

    2023 Total : 57,513,260
    2023 Voluntary: 628,384
    2023 Mandatory: 56,884,876


    2022 Total : 49,757,778
    2022 Voluntary: 628,584
    2022 Mandatory: 49,129,194


    2021 Total : 47,460,589
    2021 Voluntary: 627,037
    2021 Mandatory: 46,833,552


    2020 Total : 45,361,994
    2020 Voluntary: 626,939
    2020 Mandatory: 44,735,055


    2019 Total : 44,904,091
    2019 Voluntary: 626,565
    2019 Mandatory: 44,277,526



    LG Contracts only with recycling vendors who meet our requirements:

    • Do not incinerate e-waste or dispose of it in a landfill.
    • No E-waste may be exported to developing countries.
    • No prison labor can be employed during any phase of the recycling of e-waste.
    • Recycler(s) must have environmental movement systems.
    • Recycling vendors are audited to the requirements of ISO 14001, R2 and the e-Stewards Standard.

    LG Electronics Inc. is the first "Global e-Stewards Enterprise", a company committed to responsible recycling of its electronic waste and choosing to use e-Stewards® Certified electronics recyclers worldwide.