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Katy Murphy, higher education reporter for the Bay Area News Group, is photographed for a Wordpress profile in Oakland, Calif., on Wednesday, July 27, 2016. (Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group)Author

SACRAMENTO — A closely watched bill to prevent local and state police from taking part in federal immigration enforcement passed the California Assembly on the final day of the legislative session — one of its final hurdles before becoming law.

Senate Bill 54, by Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, is aimed at limiting communication between police and federal agents about inmates and others in police custody. It would prohibit local officers from inquiring about someone’s immigration status and would prevent police from being deputized as immigration agents.

The bill passed 50-26 and now moves back to the state Senate for final approval before going to Gov. Jerry Brown. Brown has until Oct. 15 to sign or veto legislation.

In an emotional debate that brought lawmakers to tears, supporters said the law is needed now more than ever.

“My grandparents came here without papers. My father was the first of our family to be born here,” said Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula, D-Fresno. “We believe in the American dream, and this bill today helps some of us believe California is a safe place for immigrants.”

The bill does allow California police officers to communicate with federal agents about those convicted of hundreds of felonies within the past 15 years. It was amended Monday to include a much longer list of exceptions than originally proposed as well as changes that would allow federal agents to interview inmates in jails. The state’s prison system is now excluded from most of the bill’s provisions.

The concessions were sought by Brown, who wields veto powers, and law enforcement groups. The California Police Chiefs Association is now neutral on the bill, but the California State Sheriffs’ Association still opposes it.

“Our overarching concern remains that limiting local law enforcement’s ability to communicate and cooperate with federal law enforcement officers endangers public safety,” the sheriffs’ association said in a statement this week.

Democrats argued that the bill would heighten public safety by building trust between undocumented immigrants and police, encouraging crime victims to come forward.

Some framed the argument by telling stories of their undocumented constituents. Many, they said, have been afraid to go to school or to take their sick children to the hospital since President Donald Trump — who promised widespread deportations as part of a crackdown on illegal immigration — has been president.

“We’re living in fear today,” said Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, D-Downey, saying she had seen the fear “in my own family” over the last nine months of the Trump administration.

But Republicans warned their colleagues that the legislation was dangerous and unnecessary, making it harder to deport criminals.

“The time for political posturing is over, guys,” said Assemblyman James Gallagher, R-Yuba City. “It’s time to look at what this bill does, what it really does, and reject it.”

Originally Published: