Nieman Foundation at Harvard
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Archives: March 2021

“We know as well as anyone that Black communities across the country are not monolithic. Black people within communities are not monolithic.”
Social platforms know transparency matters when it comes to political advertising, but they’re also able to control the terms of that transparency.
“A strong, proactive public editor can be part of this current reckoning in journalism that is looking increasingly like a required revolution in journalism culture.”
“Our Chartbeat dial went past the maximum. It went all the way around again.”
Journalists have transferred some of their own power over the presentation of current events to Twitter by normalizing the ways tweets are presented in news stories.
Plus: The Emancipator pays homage to abolitionist newspapers, student paper diversity reports, and a future for local news.
The tragedy highlights large news organizations’ flawed approach in covering communities at the margins.
“Our analysis shows men’s sports are the appetizer, the main course and the dessert, and if there’s any mention of women’s sports it comes across as begrudging ‘eat your vegetables’ without the kind of bells and whistles and excitement with which they describe men’s sports and athletes.”
Americans who share fake news on social media might not lack media literacy skills. Chances are they don’t stop to check accuracy, a new study suggests.