Nieman Foundation at Harvard
“AI reporters” are covering the events of the day in Northwest Arkansas
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Archives: January 2023

“How is it possible that my state, that I’ve lived in all my life, is run like this?”
“The first step is to accept that broad impartiality brings a stronger obligation to look.”
“nytimes on the tok?! 🤩”
When staff at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette walked off the job 100 days ago, they became the first newspaper to strike in decades. They’ve already been followed by more.
Your employer’s logo might soon be attached to every tweet you make — for better or for worse.
The number of new podcasts launched fell by nearly 80% between 2020 and 2022 — and seems to keep dropping. Has podcasting moved from gold rush to mature market?
“There’s no [better] way to be close to an institution than through somebody who lives in a dorm.”