Electric Program
Investment Charge (EPIC)

Pioneering  clean energy technology

Electric Program Investment Charge hero image
Joint IOU EPIC Annual Workshop

San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), on behalf of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) (collectively Joint Utilities) hosted their Joint Utilities’ Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Workshop on Monday, August 5th, 2024 at 11 AM – 4PM. The Workshop consisted: Vehicle Grid Integration (VGI) Applications, Inclusive Solutions for Disadvantaged Communities, and Affordability.

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Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC)

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) established the Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) to assist the development of non-commercialized new and emerging clean energy technologies in California while providing assistance to commercially viable projects.  EPIC consists of three program areas: (1) applied research and development; (2) technology demonstration and deployment; and (3) market facilitation, consisting of market research, regulatory permitting and streamlining, and workforce development activities.  EPIC activities must be designed to produce electricity ratepayer benefits for San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), and Southern California Edison (SCE) customers.

The annual EPIC funding is collected from customers in electric utility bills at the following levels: PG&E (50.1%), SCE (41.1%), and SDG&E (8.8%).  The California Energy Commission (CEC) administers 80% of the funding with authorization to invest in all three program areas.  SDG&E, PG&E and SCE administer 20% of the funding with funding shares proportional to their respective collections and are limited to investing only in pre-commercial technology demonstrations.  Therefore, SDG&E’s share of the EPIC funding is 0.2 x 0.088 = 1.76%.

The information in this website focuses on the SDG&E EPIC Program and includes links to the comprehensive final reports for the SDG&E-administered EPIC projects and other SDG&E EPIC program information.  An EPIC database encompassing the work of all four EPIC administrators is available at https://www.epicpartnership.org/

EPIC Applications

San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1211002 - 2012-2014 EPIC Triennial Plan - Nov 1 2012
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1211002 - 2012-2014 EPIC Triennial Plan - Nov 1 2012
1.78 MB
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1405004 - 2015-2017 Triennial EPIC Plan - May 1, 2014
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1405004 - 2015-2017 Triennial EPIC Plan - May 1, 2014
7.38 MB
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1705009 – 2018-2020 EPIC-3 Triennial Plan – May 1, 2017
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A1705009 – 2018-2020 EPIC-3 Triennial Plan – May 1, 2017
1.80 MB
Joint IOUs - CPUC RAP Application A1904026 - April 23, 2019
Joint IOUs - CPUC RAP Application A1904026 - April 23, 2019
3.51 MB
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A2210002 - 2021-2025 EPIC-4 Investment Plan - October 3, 2022
San Diego Gas & Electric Company - CPUC Application A2210002 - 2021-2025 EPIC-4 Investment Plan - October 3, 2022

EPIC Decisions

138.03 KB
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 11-12-035 - Phase 1 Decision Establishing Interim Research, Development and Demonstration, and Renewables Programs Funding Levels, December 15, 2011
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 11-12-035 - Phase 1 Decision Establishing Interim Research, Development and Demonstration, and Renewables Programs Funding Levels, December 15, 2011
270.13 KB
Phase 2 EPIC – Decision 12-05-037 – 2013-2020 - Purpose, Governance Funding Collections – May 31 2012
Phase 2 EPIC – Decision 12-05-037 – 2013-2020 - Purpose, Governance Funding Collections – May 31 2012
1.49 MB
California Public Utilities Commission – Decision 13-11-025 – 2012-2014 Triennial EPIC Investment Plan – Nov 19, 2013
California Public Utilities Commission – Decision 13-11-025 – 2012-2014 Triennial EPIC Investment Plan – Nov 19, 2013
299.43 KB
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 15-04-020 – 2015-2017 Triennial Investment Plan – April 15 2015
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 15-04-020 – 2015-2017 Triennial Investment Plan – April 15 2015
922.62 KB
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 18-01-008 - Jan 11, 2018
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 18-01-008 - Jan 11, 2018
1.44 MB
California Public Utilities Commission - Final Decision 18-10-052 – Oct 25, 2018
California Public Utilities Commission - Final Decision 18-10-052 – Oct 25, 2018
536.30 KB
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 20-02-003 - Joint IOU EPIC RAP 2018-2020 - Feb 10, 2020
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 20-02-003 - Joint IOU EPIC RAP 2018-2020 - Feb 10, 2020
1.99 MB
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 21-11-028 - EPIC-4 Decision Approving The Utilities as Administrators - November 18, 2021
California Public Utilities Commission - Decision 21-11-028 - EPIC-4 Decision Approving The Utilities as Administrators - November 18, 2021
2.10 MB
1.32 MB
CPUC Decision 23-11-086 - EPIC 4 Decision Approving SDG&E Investment Plan - November 30, 2023
CPUC Decision 23-11-086 - EPIC 4 Decision Approving SDG&E Investment Plan - November 30, 2023
1.05 MB
CPUC Decision 24-03-007 -EPIC 5 Strategic Goals – March 14, 2024
CPUC Decision 24-03-007 -EPIC 5 Strategic Goals – March 14, 2024

EPIC Projects: Completed or in Progress

Project ID

EPIC Project Title

EPIC-1 Project 1

Smart Grid Architecture Demonstrations

EPIC-1 Project 2

Visualization & Situational Awareness Demonstrations

EPIC-1 Project 3

Distributed Control for Smart Grids

EPIC-1 Project 4

Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (“DER”)

EPIC-1 Project 5

Smart Distribution Circuit Demonstrations

EPIC-2 Project 1

Modernization of Distribution System & Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage

EPIC-2 Project 2

Data Analytics in Support of Advanced Planning and System Operations

EPIC-2 Project 3

Monitoring, Communications, and Control Infrastructure for Power System Modernization

EPIC-2 Project 4

System Operations Development and Advancement

EPIC-2 Project 5

Integration of Customer Systems into Electric Utility Infrastructure

EPIC-2 Project 6 Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia
EPIC-3 Project 3 Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations
EPIC-3 Project 4 Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization
EPIC-3 Project 5 Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Advanced Image Processing for Electric Utility Inspection and Operations
EPIC-3 Project 7 Demonstration of Multipurpose Mobile Battery for Port of San Diego and/or Other Applications

SDG&E EPIC Annual Reports

532.72 KB
SDG&E 2012 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2012 EPIC Annual Report
588.33 KB
SDG&E 2013 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2013 EPIC Annual Report
660.96 KB
SDG&E 2014 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2014 EPIC Annual Report
742.57 KB
SDG&E 2015 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2015 EPIC Annual Report
767.42 KB
SDG&E 2016 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2016 EPIC Annual Report
1,020.43 KB
SDG&E 2017 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2017 EPIC Annual Report
11.14 MB
SDG&E 2018 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2018 EPIC Annual Report
1.70 MB
SDG&E 2019 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2019 EPIC Annual Report
589.56 KB
SDG&E 2020 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2020 EPIC Annual Report
22.15 MB
SDG&E 2021 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2021 EPIC Annual Report
478.52 KB
SDG&E 2022 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2022 EPIC Annual Report
964.58 KB
SDG&E 2023 EPIC Annual Report
SDG&E 2023 EPIC Annual Report

SDG&E EPIC Final Project Reports

11.04 MB
EPIC-1, Project 1 Smart Grid Architecture Demonstrations Program
EPIC-1, Project 1 Smart Grid Architecture Demonstrations Program
9.38 MB
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstration
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstration
5.66 MB
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstrations: Module 2, Additional Use Case Work
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstrations: Module 2, Additional Use Case Work
5.14 MB
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstrations: Module 3, Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Advanced Image Collection and Analytics
EPIC-1, Project 2 Visualization and Situational Awareness Demonstrations: Module 3, Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Advanced Image Collection and Analytics
8.92 MB
EPIC-1, Project 3 Distributed Control for Smart Grids
EPIC-1, Project 3 Distributed Control for Smart Grids
28.84 MB
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 1, Pre-Commercial Demonstration and Value Assessment
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 1, Pre-Commercial Demonstration and Value Assessment
1.20 MB
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 2, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of Communication Standards for DER
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 2, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of Communication Standards for DER
1.71 MB
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 3, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of the EPRI DRIVE Tool
EPIC-1, Project 4 Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER): Module 3, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of the EPRI DRIVE Tool
14.00 MB
EPIC-1, Project 5 Smart Distribution Circuit Demonstrations: Module 1, Demonstrations of Advanced Circuit Concepts and Devices
EPIC-1, Project 5 Smart Distribution Circuit Demonstrations: Module 1, Demonstrations of Advanced Circuit Concepts and Devices
9.95 MB
EPIC-1, Project 5 Smart Distribution Circuit Demonstrations: Module 2, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of Methodologies and Tools for Energy Storage Integration into Smart Distribution Circuits
EPIC-1, Project 5 Smart Distribution Circuit Demonstrations: Module 2, Pre-Commercial Demonstration of Methodologies and Tools for Energy Storage Integration into Smart Distribution Circuits
9.21 MB
EPIC-2, Project 1 Modernization of Distribution System and Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage
EPIC-2, Project 1 Modernization of Distribution System and Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage
2.28 MB
EPIC-2, Project 2 Data Analytics in Support of Advanced Planning and System Operations
EPIC-2, Project 2 Data Analytics in Support of Advanced Planning and System Operations
8.94 MB
EPIC-2, Project 3 Monitoring, Communication and Control Infrastructure for Power System Modernization
EPIC-2, Project 3 Monitoring, Communication and Control Infrastructure for Power System Modernization
7.89 MB
EPIC-2, Project 4 System Operations Development and Advancement
EPIC-2, Project 4 System Operations Development and Advancement
11.74 MB
EPIC-2, Project 5 Integration of Customer Systems into Electric Utility Infrastructure
EPIC-2, Project 5 Integration of Customer Systems into Electric Utility Infrastructure
1.97 MB
EPIC-2, Project 6 Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia: Module 1, Demonstration of Methodology and Tools for Estimating Propensity for Customer Adoption of Photovoltaics
EPIC-2, Project 6 Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia: Module 1, Demonstration of Methodology and Tools for Estimating Propensity for Customer Adoption of Photovoltaics
4.30 MB
EPIC-2, Project 6 Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia: Module 2, Unmanned Aerial Systems Data Lifecycle Management and Deep Learning Demonstration
EPIC-2, Project 6 Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia: Module 2, Unmanned Aerial Systems Data Lifecycle Management and Deep Learning Demonstration
3.79 MB
EPIC-3, Project 3, Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations: Module 1
EPIC-3, Project 3, Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations: Module 1
4.01 MB
EPIC-3, Project 3, Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations: Module 2
EPIC-3, Project 3, Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations: Module 2
3.69 MB
EPIC-3, Project 4, Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization: Module 1, Focused Patrol Simulator
EPIC-3, Project 4, Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization: Module 1, Focused Patrol Simulator
932.64 KB
EPIC-3, Project 4, Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization: Module 2, Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Personal Protective Grounding/Equal Potential Zones on the Electric Distribution Underground System
EPIC-3, Project 4, Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization: Module 2, Virtual Reality Training Simulator for Personal Protective Grounding/Equal Potential Zones on the Electric Distribution Underground System
1.06 MB
EPIC-3, Project 5, Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Advanced Image Processing for Electric Utility Inspection and Operations
EPIC-3, Project 5, Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Advanced Image Processing for Electric Utility Inspection and Operations
2.49 MB
EPIC-3, Project 7, Demonstration of Multipurpose Mobile Battery: Module 1
EPIC-3, Project 7, Demonstration of Multipurpose Mobile Battery: Module 1
1.94 MB
EPIC-3, Project 7, Demonstration of Multipurpose Mobile Battery: Module 2, Community Resource Centers
EPIC-3, Project 7, Demonstration of Multipurpose Mobile Battery: Module 2, Community Resource Centers

EPIC Workshop and Symposium Presentations

2016 EPIC Summer Workshop - June 22 - Westminster

395.29 KB
2016 EPIC Summer Workshop Overview
2016 EPIC Summer Workshop Overview
651.38 KB
SDG&E Data Analytics Project Presentation
SDG&E Data Analytics Project Presentation
191.34 KB
SDG&E Distributed Control Project Presentation
SDG&E Distributed Control Project Presentation
430.44 KB
SDG&E Systems Operations Advancements Project
SDG&E Systems Operations Advancements Project

2016 EPIC Symposium - December 1 - Sacramento

552.40 KB
SDG&E Modernization of Distribution System Project Presentation
SDG&E Modernization of Distribution System Project Presentation
265.53 KB
SDG&E Smart Grid Architecture Project Presentation
SDG&E Smart Grid Architecture Project Presentation
343.49 KB
SDG&E Visualization and Situational Awareness Project Presentation
SDG&E Visualization and Situational Awareness Project Presentation

2017 EPIC Fall Symposium - October 18 – La Jolla/San Diego

645.96 KB
2017 EPIC Fall Symposium Agenda
2017 EPIC Fall Symposium Agenda
2.42 MB
CEC Presentation
CEC Presentation
823.92 KB
CPUC Presentation
CPUC Presentation
2.87 MB
PG&E Presentation
PG&E Presentation
1.54 MB
SCE Presentation
SCE Presentation
5.34 MB
SDG&E Presentation: Visualization & Situational Awareness Demonstrations / Distributed Control for Smart Grids / Modernization of Distribution System & Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage
SDG&E Presentation: Visualization & Situational Awareness Demonstrations / Distributed Control for Smart Grids / Modernization of Distribution System & Integration of Distributed Generation and Storage

2018 EPIC Symposium - February 7 - Sacramento

2018 EPIC Symposium Agenda
2018 EPIC Symposium Agenda
1.70 MB
SDG&E Presentation: SDG&E EPIC Program Overview / Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) – EPIC-1, Proj 4 / Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia – EPIC-2, Proj 6 / Smart Grid Architecture Demonstrations Program – EPIC-1, Proj 1
SDG&E Presentation: SDG&E EPIC Program Overview / Demonstration of Grid Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) – EPIC-1, Proj 4 / Collaborative Programs in RD&D Consortia – EPIC-2, Proj 6 / Smart Grid Architecture Demonstrations Program – EPIC-1, Proj 1

2018 EPIC Fall Workshop - November 9 - Fresno

172.10 KB
2018 EPIC Symposium Agenda
2018 EPIC Symposium Agenda
1.27 MB
SDG&E Program Overview: Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations / Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization / Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Advanced Image Processing for Electric Utility Inspection and Operations
SDG&E Program Overview: Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure Data to Advanced Utility System Operations / Safety Training Simulators with Augmented Visualization / Unmanned Aircraft Systems with Advanced Image Processing for Electric Utility Inspection and Operations

2019 EPIC Symposium - February 19 - Sacramento

1.97 MB
SDG&E - Wildfire Prevention Technologies
SDG&E - Wildfire Prevention Technologies
1.93 MB
SDG&E - Broadening Storage Technologies Beyond Lithium Ion
SDG&E - Broadening Storage Technologies Beyond Lithium Ion
517.12 KB
SDG&E – Investor Owned Utility Coordination of Research Administration Plan & Coordination with EPIC
SDG&E – Investor Owned Utility Coordination of Research Administration Plan & Coordination with EPIC

2019 EPIC Fall Workshop - November 8 - San Diego

1.10 MB
2019 EPIC Fall Workshop Registration Packet
2019 EPIC Fall Workshop Registration Packet
4.15 MB
2019 EPIC Fall Workshop Participants Packet
2019 EPIC Fall Workshop Participants Packet
2.33 MB
CEC Presentation
CEC Presentation
120.00 KB
CPUC Presentation
CPUC Presentation
1.66 MB
PG&E Presentation
PG&E Presentation
915.14 KB
SCE Presentation
SCE Presentation
2.65 MB
SDGE Presentation
SDGE Presentation

2020 EPIC Symposium - October 19-21 - Virtual

710.15 KB
SDG&E Presentation - Supporting Rural Communities
SDG&E Presentation - Supporting Rural Communities

2020 EPIC PICG Presentation - December 2 - Virtual

(Policy + Innovation Coordination Group)
18.29 MB
EPIC - 3, Proj 5 UAS - EPIC PICG Wildfire Mitigation Workstream
EPIC - 3, Proj 5 UAS - EPIC PICG Wildfire Mitigation Workstream

2020 EPIC PICG Presentation - September 23 - Virtual 

2.19 MB
SDG&E Meteorology - Chris Arends
SDG&E Meteorology - Chris Arends

2020 EPIC PICG Presentation - October 6 - Virtual

1.53 MB
Identifying Emerging Technology - Nisha Menon and Christopher Thompson
Identifying Emerging Technology - Nisha Menon and Christopher Thompson

2020 EPIC PICG Presentation - December 16 - Virtual 

1.09 MB
PSPS Data Analytics - Robert Flamenbaum and Nisha Menon
PSPS Data Analytics - Robert Flamenbaum and Nisha Menon

2021 EPIC Fall Workshop - November 17 - Virtual

79.32 KB
2021 EPIC Fall Workshop Agenda
2021 EPIC Fall Workshop Agenda
314.99 KB
2021 Fall Workshop Presentation
2021 Fall Workshop Presentation
5.27 MB
CEC Presentation
CEC Presentation
1.39 MB
PG&E Presentation
PG&E Presentation
707.76 KB
SCE Presentation
SCE Presentation
5.37 MB
SDG&E Presentation
SDG&E Presentation

2021 EPIC Symposium - December 14-15

926.81 KB
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 3 – AMI-Advanced Metering Infrastructure
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 3 – AMI-Advanced Metering Infrastructure
844.05 KB
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 4 – Safety Training Simulators
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 4 – Safety Training Simulators
813.96 KB
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 5 – UAS-Unmanned Aircraft Systems
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 5 – UAS-Unmanned Aircraft Systems
1.36 MB
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 7 – Mobile Battery
SDG&E PRESENTATION – Proj 7 – Mobile Battery
Link to EPIC Symposium Presentation Recordings
Link to EPIC Symposium Presentation Recordings

2022 Joint IOU EPIC Workshop - June 30

698.31 KB
Joint IOU EPIC Workshop Presentation
Joint IOU EPIC Workshop Presentation

2022 Joint Utilities' EPIC Disadvantaged Communities Webinar - June 21

2.89 MB
Joint Utilities' EPIC Disadvantaged Communities Webinar Presentation
Joint Utilities' EPIC Disadvantaged Communities Webinar Presentation

2022 Association of Energy Engineers - Southern California - Decarbonization Opportunities & Barriers for Storage & Generation/Infrastructure - October 12, 2022

2.90 MB
Association of Energy Engineers - Southern California - Decarbonization Opportunities & Barriers for Storage & Generation/Infrastructure Presentation
Association of Energy Engineers - Southern California - Decarbonization Opportunities & Barriers for Storage & Generation/Infrastructure Presentation

2023 Joint IOU EPIC Workshop - June 27

5.30 MB
EPIC Workshop Presentation
EPIC Workshop Presentation

2024 SDG&E EPIC-4 Public Workshop - April 24

3.28 MB
EPIC-4 Workshop Presentation
EPIC-4 Workshop Presentation

2024 Joint IOU EPIC Annual Workshop - August 5 - Los Angeles

11.53 MB
2024 Joint IOU EPIC Annual Workshop – August 5 – Los Angeles
2024 Joint IOU EPIC Annual Workshop – August 5 – Los Angeles