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The Town of Garland has openings for the position of Deputy Clerk and Public Works Employee. Please click here for job postings and information on applying.

The Town of Garland Regular Meeting Schedule and Work Session Schedule can be found by clicking here.  Regular Meetings are the first Tuesday of every month.

 The Planning/Zoning Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month.  Both meetings start at 6:30 p.m.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS - Project: Garland WWTP Improvements

The Town of Garland will receive separate sealed formal bids for the Garland WWTP Improvements Project (SRP-W-ARP-0237) at the Office of the Engineer, WithersRavenel, 219 Station Road, Suite 201, Wilmington, NC until August 20th, 2024, 3:00 PM, local prevailing time, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. Bids may be submitted by mail or courier. While there is an option to attend the Bid Opening virtually, hardcopy bids are still required to be received.  Click here for the entire bid.

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Professional Services - Water System Asset Inventory and Assessment (AIA) Study

Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Services for the Town of Garland, North Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvementsfor Engineering Services for the Town of Garland, North Carolina Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements

New Hours Effective 01/01/2023:

Open Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
(closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m. until 12:30 p.m.)
(We no longer close on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.)

Town Documents for Viewing:

2024-2025 Budget Resolution
2024-2025 Proposed Fees and Rates Schedule
2023 Annual Wastewater Report


Welcome to the Town of Garland!


It is our goal to keep you informed about the Town of Garland - "a place that we all love and care about". We encourage you to visit this website frequently to stay connected with Garland. More importantly, we encourage you to become actively engaged in our community by attending board meetings, community meetings, serving on leadership projects, volunteering, and providing your input to our elected officials. We would like to know your ideas to help keep Garland moving forward!

In Garland, we are so proud of our caring and committed faith-based residents, our elderly, and our young people who embrace newcomers with open arms. Small-town friendliness and community spirit are found in Garland throughout the year. Citizens are also proud to call Garland "Home" and invite non-residents to visit, to shop, to work, and to consider making Garland your home!

Together, let us explore the town's greatness and be reminded each day that "Greatness Grows in Garland". Let us all seize on the opportunities to preserve the rich history and legacy of our town for present and future generations.

Please send us your feedback, suggestions, and contributions so that we may be inclusive of all. Visit this website often for all of our Garland News and Updates. We will do our best to keep you updated!

 "Vision Without Action is merely a Dream. Action Without Vision Just Passes Time. Vision With Action CAN CHANGE THE WORLD". Let us work together with SHARED VISION and DEDICATED ACTION for Garland! Together, let us connect the dots of greatness! Joel Barker



Mayor Austin Brown





Post Office Box 207 ■ 190 South Church Avenue ■ Garland, North Carolina 28441
PHONE: (910) 529-4141 ■ FAX: (910) 529-1393

© 2018 Town of Garland, North Carolina. All Rights Reserved. Find Us on Facebook: