

Flagship FAQs: Donating SS United States Artifacts and Personal Photographs to the Conservancy

Today, we’re back to answer another important question posed by our generous supporters:

Can I donate my SS United States artifacts and photographs to the Conservancy?

The SS United States Conservancy prides itself on preserving the unparalleled history of America’s Flagship, the SS United States, through its curatorial, archival, and educational programs. A key component of this work is building our permanent SS United States collection through donations from former passengers and crew members.

We are always interested in receiving SS United States artifacts, whether it be a passenger list, menu, photograph, home movie, or an item related to the ship itself. In addition to physical objects, we are also happy to add digital scans and photographs to our permanent collections. Simply drop us a line at [email protected].

With us, your artifacts will be in safe hands: the Conservancy prides itself upon strictly adhering to best practices for curatorial protocol. While the Conservancy’s permanent collections are not yet on public display, we are making plans for our next temporary exhibition. Stay tuned!

The Pittner family boards the SS United States, 1955. Photograph courtesy of Michael Pittner.

Did you or a family member travel aboard the SS United States during her service career? The Conservancy would love to hear from you, and add your story to our permanent records. You'll be helping us to built a vibrant, living history of the world's greatest ocean liner, and we'll ensure that your memories are preserved for generations to come.

CLICK HERE to learn how you can share your SS United States story today.


For more answers to frequently asked questions about the SS United States and the Conservancy, CLICK HERE to read our full summary. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Your support keeps America's Flagship safe and allows us to continue to chart a course towards her revitalization and redevelopment. Make your donation today.

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