Review of De flat

De flat (1994)
A damn shame to make such a film with such actors
17 July 2003
The only reason I saw "De Flat", was because of the fact that Victor Löw is in it. In Holland he's a pretty famous actor, an known as the only method actor we have got (hay, it's a small country). The day this film was on also Oliver Stone's Wall Street, and The Devil's Advocate came on tv, but no, I had to see "De Flat", when I saw it, it looked like a really bad B-movie, and that is, when I thought about it, exactly what it is. Both actors are pretty good, but in this movie they both don't know what the hell they are doing there. Even Victor Löw, who's known as a verbal machine gun, doesn't come out of his own words, and that draws the whole movie
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