Review of BattleBots

BattleBots (2000–2002)
Oh, I miss seeing stuff get destroyed
26 December 2003
Why, Comedy Central, why? Battlebots rocked, but they've seen fit to do away with it. And just when they really started marketing the toys, too. It was good, clean, violent fun. But I'd like to address the comments by "TheUnholyArmpit." Battlebots is not a ripoff of the British show "Robot Wars." "Robot Wars" is a pseudo-intellectual contest between various mechanical creations. Battlebots is simply the televised version of an exhibition of fighting robots that started in the early '90s. Robot Wars was actually the first show of its kind, but they used American robots, as that's where it all started. Battlebots was created by the guys who first started the original competition, then brought their bots to Britain for that show. (Check for the Official Battlebots book for more history and info). In fact, the first time I ever heard of the competition was back in the '90s, when CNN (I think) did a story on it. So, in a way, neither show is entirely original, or a ripoff of something else. Regardless, I still miss it.
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