good movie
30 December 2002
this movie talks about video voyeurs. you can find them about anywhere nowadays. the internet, tv, you name it. unfortunately, they're very common in our hightech world. the people that commit this hideous crime are one step above the law. technically (before susan wilson) there wasn't a law. what he was doing wasn't illegal. the man was a sick little you know what that had the whole town backing him up. people, whatever the "reason" there is no excuse for that kind of behavior or action. it just disgusts me how low people have gotten these days. it must of been awful for susan wilson because this man was a trusted neighbor! how would you react if someone you trusted did this to you? anyways, the acting was ok. angie haromon did well in her role as well as jamey sherridan and the whole cast. i have a recomendation for tegan moss, get rid of that little southern belle in distress accent because its really annoying. lol! check out the movie. it airs on lifetime a lot. well done. 9 stars out of 10.
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