Death Valley Days: Temporary Warden (1965)
Season 14, Episode 1
Vanity, greed, and suspicion
14 July 2013
In what must have been one of his last acted roles, Ronald Reagan stars as Jim Hume, appointed warden of a Nevada prison which has had a break down in discipline. The way to get it back and earn respect is to bring in three notorious escapees. Easier said than done because even regular law enforcement backs down from going after these three notorious outlaws, Rudolfo Acosta, Charles Duebner, and George Murdock.

Reagan makes it his business to know whom he's trailing and the weaknesses of all three. Each one is susceptible to vanity, greed, and suspicion. Ron cleverly uses all three and the susceptible outlaws.

A good Death Valley Days story with a little rough humor laced into the story.
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