Pure Doggie Do-Do
20 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Man's Best Friend is an utterly despicable Sci-Fi/Horror flick about a stinking, lousy, low-life TV News Reporter named Lori who, pretty much, stoops to anything (just as long as she can worm her way out of taking any blame for it, afterwards, if anything goes wrong) simply for the sake of getting a crummy, goddamn 'News' story out of whatever the hell it is.

Lori is such an arrogant, little witch (in constant search of a goddamn News story) that she actually has the bloody gall to break and enter onto private property (a genetic research facility) and then, once inside, she carelessly releases (from one of the many cages) the lab's most dangerous experiment : Max - a genetically enhanced guard dog with vicious killer instincts.

One of Max's most charming talents, as a super-canine, is that he can (get this) pee acid, of all things. This 'fascinating' ability of Max's to pee acid is used 3 times in this dismal flick to generate some much needed humour into its totally awful story.

But - Acid-Pee, like Acid-Blood, like Acid-Rain is not a laughing matter. And so it fails to generate anything but pure boredom, which, pretty much, just goes along with the rest of this flick.

Man's Best Friend is continually marred by - Terrible performances - Idiotic special effects - Revolting characters - And - Obnoxious children. This flick is truly one rotten movie-experience from its ridiculous start to its wimpy, sucky-baby finish.

Actor Lance Henriksen, as Dr. Jerrot of E-Max Research Labs, carries on in this flick like an utter moron. But, then again, so does everyone else carry on in the exact, same way, too.

*Special Note* - Please be very, very sure to put Man's Best Friend at the absolute top of your "Mustn't See" list. This one's a real 'doggie do-do' stinker! P.U. !!

With "best friends" like Max, who needs enemies??
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