Putrid Garbage
23 February 2015
Anyone...and I mean ANYONE who has any kind of love and respect for the original "Mach Go Go Go" anime, will find this Lionsgate cartoon to be offensive. It will make your eyes bleed, it is that UGLY, and it will make your brain hurt because it is that nonsensical and stupid. The embarrassing dialog spoken by those flat, antiseptic voices will make your ears bleed. I imagine this project was some kind of a rush job to stir up some kind of interest in the movie, that came out the same year. The live action movie wasn't that good, but it did have some nice artistic touches. The same cannot be said about this awful, American abortion of a cartoon. This is honestly the ugliest looking animation I have ever seen. It is a real insult to the original series. For fans of the original 60's anime, that want more of Speed Racer, just search out the 1997 anime; it is very good stuff; beautiful animation that completely respects the source material. And Lionsgate: How dare you unleash this putrid on the world..
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