A Chipmunk Christmas (1981 TV Short)
Decent Christmas special
4 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"A Chipmunk Christmas" is a 25-minute television special from almost 35 years ago. Do not be confused by the version that is out there that runs for over an hour. That one is a collector's edition and includes 2 more Chipmunks episodes from the series. This original short film here only runs for slightly under half an hour. I thought this one delivered nicely in terms of comedy, animation and emotion. A mix of everything. No true greatness in any of these areas, but perfectly sufficient for a decent watch around the holidays. The voices of the trio are still tough for me to get used to. They get annoying quickly I must admit and that scene when one of them screams "Money!" several times is almost creepy because of the small one's high-pitched voice. Anyway, it is very bearable and nowhere near bad enough to destroy the film. I enjoyed it and recommend it. Some quality also among the voice actors with Foray and Welker. Thumbs up.
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