Review of Oathbreaker

Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker (2016)
Season 6, Episode 3
8 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This show has gone off the deep end this season. Let me start by listing a few grievances.

What was the point in showing the Tower of Joy flashback if they were going to omit what made it important in the first place? I mean, That scene was absolutely irrelevant in showing if they weren't going to show it all the way through. I would go in depth about what was supposed to go down but only book readers know what I am talking about.

Also, character motivations no longer make and sense whatsoever. Everyone who has a general understanding of the show understands that Umbers are fiercely loyal to the Starks. Yet when Rickon arrives to the Umbers, they take little Rickon, kill his wolf, and give him to Ramsey. YEAH, because that totally makes sense within the lore of the show.

In addition to this, I read somewhere that Ramsey has become a Mary Sue type villain, and I have to agree with this statement. The thing that made Joffrey such a captivating villain was that he had limits, boundaries and actual motivations. Idiotic actions he committed actually had dire consequences. But nope, that's not the case with Ramsey! He is able to commit stupid decision after stupid decision and not receive any consequences whatsoever. NOPE! He is able to receive a new found ally and Rickon Stark! WOW! That makes sense in a universe where every action has consequences.

I also am despising the amount of screen time they are devoting to Tommen. I mean, the best part about Tommen in the novels is that he is young and absolutely irrelevant to everything going on in Kings Landing. It is Cersei who the Kings Landing pplot was also focused on, but instead the show is trying to actually make us care about Tommen when he is absolutely irrelevant to the overall story.

Also, Jon Snows resurrection has to be one of the most anti-climatic things in TV history after all of the hype. Usually the thing that made resurrection so interesting in the Game of Thrones universe was the fact that when someone gets resurected, they suffer dire consequences. When Beric would be continually revived by Thoros, he would forget things of his past, until he eventually forgot everything he was. Jon Snow is exactly the same. I mean, one could argue that all he cares about is vengeance seeing how he hanged the peple who killed him, but I don't see it this way. These people had to be murdered for killing their Lord Commander, not because Jon is changed and out for vengeance. Jon Snow is exactly the same with no character regression or anything.

The only things they did somewhat right is daenerys storyline and the storyline in Meeren. However, the war that they are setting up in Meeren is something they shoud've already set up a season ago, and despite the fact that they are going this route now doesn't make up for all of the bs that occurred this episode.

All in all, I am not excited with the direction this season is going anymore. This will most like be flagged down as not helpful by the Game of Thrones fanatics who praise each episode. Hey but if you read my review, I thank you for your time.
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