It will be a pity if anyone misses it
10 October 2016
Watching this very satisfying picture, the reviewer felt that there could hardly be a better comedy. It is the kind that keeps the audience not roaring, but rippling with heart-warming amusement. It is a picture for every audience and all audiences; indeed, it will be a pity if anyone misses it. The story is not original, it being a little classic of American humor, but it is wholly fresh and besides, probably ninety-nine per cent of spectators have never heard of it. It is the story of the girl who was so infatuated with a great singer that she took a job as maid under his wife in order to be near that beautiful voice. She ended by pouring a basin of hot water over the pampered one, whose artistic soul is apparent in all his actions. Mr. John Bunny plays the role of Senor Paccalaipani and Miss Flora Finch, his wife. Both impersonations are quite new. They are so fine that one needn't hesitate in calling them a public benefaction. Miss Lilian Walker plays Irene and Miss Rosemary Theby plays her friend, a lesser part. Both do good, natural work. The picture, on every possible count, is worth all we could possibly say about it. We can add no more. It will win its own fame with those who see it. - The Moving Picture World, March 23, 1912
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