Knock Knock (1940)
Knock Knock, Who's there? Woody Woodpecker!
7 July 2017
Was very fond of Woody Woodpecker and his cartoons as a child. Still get much enjoyment out of them now as a young adult, even if there are more interesting in personality cartoon characters and better overall cartoons.

Despite being an Andy Panda cartoon, 'Knock Knock' is significant for being Woody's debut, and, while he was basically a supporting character (it was his next cartoon 'Woody Woodpecker' where he first properly qualified as a lead), it made him a breakout star and no wonder. He is enormous fun to watch and has all the best and funniest moments in 'Knock Knock', and while with some different character traits to the Woody Woodpecker one is more familiar with there are also parts of his personality that are recognisable.

Andy Panda is a nice, cute and appealing lead character, if a little bland especially when compared to Woody. So much so 'Knock Knock' would have perhaps been even better with him in support and Woody as the leading character, and it's once Woody is introduced that the cartoon properly comes to life. The father is fun too.

For so early on for Woody Woodpecker, the animation in 'Knock Knock' is mostly very good. The one exception is the character design of Woody, the design itself is a little odd and the drawing compared to later was pretty ugly. Otherwise, the colours are rich and vibrant and the backgrounds meticulous in their detail.

Love the music too. It's characterful, lushly orchestrated and is not only dynamic with the action it even enhances it. The writing is suitably witty and raises a number of chuckles, while the never less than amusing and beautifully timed sight gags are even more impressive especially in the parts where Woody is on the rampage.

'Knock Knock's' voice acting is strong, with as ever impeccable work from Mel Blanc, even though the later voice actors were more familiar to me.

In summary, very good fun, more than just historical interest. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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