Tombstone Territory (1957–1960)
Simply, best Western by leaps & bounds
11 March 2020
Although I was 4 years old when TT debuted; I never viewed it back then. In 2020; it's a great watch; and far far superior to anything crappy TV has to offer today or, Western TV shows of yore.

First, it makes every other Western TV show, seem like the mundane.

Here's the thing about this show: While each episode is a bit less than 25 minutes, it plays like a big screen MGM movie. It's pretty remarkable.

The stories are unique; and the atmosphere remarkably big screen. And the added touch of the Epitaph (Tombstone newspaper) editor narration at the intro; is excellent as well. The great majority of stories are re-enactments of actual history.

We were recording them off of DTV, but the wife (like me), loved the show so much; I just purchased the entire 3 season set year set for $20.00 on Amazon. Best money we ever spent. And that's 110-120 episodes. A steal.

For story development, there are episodes with scenes that are "head scratchers." By this, I am referring to the many times the star (Hollister); allows others to 'get the jump on him'. Usually via bad judgement. But that's so he can be a hero in some other 'totally-like wow-bitchen) way, and get into Donnybrooks so it's not all about his quick draw.

There's one hilarious thing my wife Evelyn & I laugh about nearly every episode. I think a portion of this show was dedicated to housewives. Pat Conway is a good looking guy. But the way he moves when leaving his office, is just plain funny. Not just striking poses, but also, the swaying of his hips around tables, chairs, and hand rails, with arms out to both sides like he's ready to break out dancing; is just funny. He does it outdoors as well with no objects to navigate. Evie says sometimes, "all he needs is a runway & a tiara:)."

Lastly, all kinds of TV and television stars (most before their prime) to be found in these episodes. Lee Van Cleef, Warren Oates, and countless more.

Directors too; like Don Siegel (Dirty Harry), & Sam Peckinpah (The Wild Bunch).

If you take nothing else from this review, just know that every episode plays like an big studio movie production. Not to impugn Bonanza, Rawhide, Gunsmoke and the rest; Tombstone Territory just stands alone.

Needless to say; we HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

Thx for listening

Bob R.
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