Interesting and educational though not entirely objective
22 July 2021
The history of guns from invention to the present day. Shows the major developments in the evolution of the gun, what made certain weapons so ground-breaking and notable battlefield actions and feats involving particular weapons. Largely told from an American perspective.

An interesting and educational series. Examines well the key events in the progression of firearms, from their invention to the present day.

The experts are okay though one was a bit too pro-American to seem entirely objective and the far more objective and professional one reminded me of Willy Wonka. At least they do have some valuable insights, which is more than I can say for most documentaries as the "experts" turn out to be cheerleaders for whoever/whatever is being covered.

On the negative side, while the series is supposed to be about the history of guns it's clearly told from an American perspective. Other than the first episode, covering the origins of guns, the only time a non-American weapon gets mentioned is if the enemy are using it or it influenced American design. Even then some massively important weapons are missed, e.g. The German MG 42.

The American bias shows through in some of commentary, as it struggles to remain objective when discussing the qualities American weapons.

There's also a bias towards infantry weapons: no mention of plane- or ship-carried weapons unless they're developed from an infantry weapon. Surely the 20mm Vulcan and GAU-8 on the A-10, and modern-day Gatling-type guns in general, should get a mention, especially as 19th century Gatling guns are covered fairly thoroughly, thus completing the link?

Still quite interesting though, just could have covered more ground and generally been more objective.
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