This Is Easily The Worst One Yet!
15 December 2021
Now I know these Death-Scort movies aren't known to be particularly good movies to begin with, but I have to admit I enjoyed each one for purely the most simple reasons. They are basically t&a slashers with a lot of gore and incredibly bad acting by their mostly stripper/pornstar cast. Like I said before the movies aren't particularly good but they have a basic charm to them in a bargain bin, softcore, gore fest sort a way. But this last entry while it retains those same elements it gets rid of the slasher esthetic and morphs itself into a cannibal hooker movie, and it's definitely not for the best. Everything feels like less than before. The performances are easily worse than the other movies. The story is as terrible as you could only imagine it being. Even the gore felt like it took a downgrade. This movie feels so much cheaper and overall more thrown together then the other films. Plus with the nearly 2 hour runtime it drags and feels like a 3 hour movie. The worst thing about this film is seeing trailer for part 4 after the credits. Please stop making these movies! There's no need to suffer through another one of these productions.
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