Adventure Time: Distant Lands: Wizard City (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Did not enjoy
9 June 2022
I really did not like this final episode. It was just so far gone from the original Adventure Times series. I understand that when it comes to cartoons, change is normal, and over time a cartoon will change. The first three episodes of Distant Lands were really good, but they were also different because, again, that's what happens. Wizard city was just so incredibly different in every way. The animation was so far gone that it literally isn't the Adventure Time art style anymore. It doesn't look like Adventure Time. The writing just isn't good either. I kind of feel bad saying all this because I love Adventure Time and I kind of thought that it was impossible for something like this to happen. I also just want to let people enjoy it and not criticize it. I wish I could do the same but I guess I just have a hard time doing that. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you really enjoyed the episode, then just ignore what I'm saying because it's important for you just enjoy the cartoon and not pay attention to negative reviews and harsh opinions. I think that's what matters the most.

Adventure Time will always be my favorite thing in the whole world, and will remain dear to my heart.
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