Review of Nyad

Nyad (2023)
Great performances but overall dull and annoying
10 November 2023
After reading favorable reviews of this film I was anxious to see it but unfortunately I could barely make it to the end. Despite some amazing acting by both Annette Bening and Jodie Foster, I found the character of Diana Nyad to be extremely narcissistic, often rude in her responses to others, and just plain annoying. The film documents the five times she attempted to swim the distance between Florida and Cuba, but by the fifth try I had become so bored with both her and the film that at that point I really didn't care if she ended up succeeding or not. I think the film's messages of never giving up and not letting age hold you back are very admirable ones, but I personally feel that any athlete who puts their body through as much extreme torture and pain as Nyad repeatedly did in order to complete her goal would benefit from getting into psychotherapy. I was also curious about why the scene between John Bartlett and Jodie Foster's character was added in which he informs her he doesn't have much time left to live because "he's sick?" In real life John Bartlett unexpectedly died in his sleep at the age of 66, and he had no known diseases at the time.
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